No smoke, no problem? No way!!! The Awful Truth About Smokeless Tobacco
What is SPIT TOBACCO? Snuff-moist, finely ground tobacco Chew-rough cut tobacco leaves
It is marketed as a “safe alternative” to cigarettes That couldn’t be further from the truth!
Smokeless Tobacco is NOT A Safe Alternative It is just as addictive as smoking and as hard to quit It contains 28 known carcinogens and 500 poisons One can has nicotine equal to 3 packs of cigarettes! Chewing 8-10 times a day is like 30-40 cigarettes a day!
Snuff dippers get 10 times more nitrosamines (known cancer-causer) from the “curing” process of tobacco Chewing for 30 minutes is equal to 2-3 cigarettes
It’s just as addictive as heroin and cocaine It’s just as addictive as heroin and cocaine. (10% stay “quit” for 1 year) Your body becomes physically and psychologically dependent on it. It makes your body want to use it more (tolerance). You must maintain a level of nicotine in the bloodstream to avoid experiencing withdrawal symptoms
Chemicals in Spit Tobacco Do You Really Want to Put These in Your Mouth? Cadmium (car batteries) Polonium 210 (nuclear waste) Lead (decreased IQ in children nervous system damage) Formaldehyde (embalming fluid) Arsenic (rat poison) Cyanide (used in the gas chamber) Nitrosamines (potent cancer-causing agents)
Chemicals in Spit Tobacco Nickel Nicotine Pesticides Acetone Benzopyrene (cancer-causing) Acetone (nail polish remover) Uranium 235 and 238 Over 30 metals
Chemicals in Spit Tobacco Smokeless tobacco contains fiberglass and sand. It erodes your teeth and……cuts the linings on the mouth and cheeks, ensuring that the user will absorb MORE nicotine into the bloodstream as quickly as possible.
The sweet flavorings added to “beginner’s chew” causes cavities
Spit Tobacco Affects Your Oral Hygiene Bad breath: Spitting/drooling: Your mouth makes extra saliva, and you need to spit out the tobacco juice from time to time. Tooth stains: You may have stained teeth in the area where you hold smokeless tobacco in your mouth. And you can't brush the stain off with your toothbrush! Leukoplakia: 75 percent of all daily users get white patches in their mouth that can turn into cancer! Gum recession: It’s ugly; it increases your risk of cavities, makes your teeth sensitive and loosens your teeth.
How About Breath That Smells Like an Ashtray?
Spit Tobacco Damages Your Health Increased heart attack and stroke High blood pressure Delayed wound healing Peptic ulcer disease Increased risk for diabetes Low birth weight babies and greater risk of stillbirth ORAL CANCERS are likely: throat, mouth, tongue, esophagus and larynx (voice box)
Why is Spit Tobacco Use Increasing? Increased smoking restriction in schools and public places, including worksite Positive macho image of spit tobacco use in advertising campaigns Introduction of milder and sweeter brands The suggestion that spit tobacco improves overall athletic performance
Methods of Marketing Spit Tobacco to Youth “Macho” man image Outdoors--fishing, hunting Rodeos Car Racing Use it when you can’t smoke
Methods of Marketing Spit Tobacco to Youth Location
Not A Safe Alternative
Not A Safe Alternative
You Don’t Have to be Old to Develop Oral Cancer! Sean Marsee began to use chew at age 12. He was a standout performer in track. He developed cancer of the throat at age 18. After three surgeries that took his tongue, voice box and lower jaw, he died at the age of 19. He did not believe that spit tobacco was “bad” for him. Even in the hospital, he still wanted a “dip; it was that addicting.
Remember…you might survive your cancer but be disfigured for LIFE!
People who have lost their voice box to cancer must learn to speak and eat again.
Are You Hooked on Chew? You have switched to a stronger brand You can’t go more than a few hours without it You have strong cravings when you try to quit You reach for a dip first thing in the morning
How About This… Only 5% of spit users believed that they would continue their habit after they graduated from high school 8 years AFTER high school, 75% were still regular users 89% had tried to quit at least 4 times since graduation ALL had started their habit in middle and high school and became regular users within 3-5 months
Did You Know That It Is ILLEGAL to Purchase Spit Tobacco?
There are MANY programs available to help you QUIT! Whether you attend meetings, quit with online help or quit by yourself, there will be temptations and setbacks. Try methods that are “DEAR” to help you through the tough times… A good thing to remember during the toughest moments of withdrawal and temptation to use is the following acronym for DEAR:
DEAR Delay: If you can wait another 30 minutes before taking a dip, or if you can put dipping out of your mind by doing something else and thinking positive thoughts, A good thing to remember during the toughest moments of withdrawal and temptation to use is the following acronym for DEAR: - - the urge may pass - -
DEAR When feeling irritable from nicotine withdrawal and presented with a confrontation, Escape: consider walking away from the source and doing something else for a minute or two
DEAR Stay away from situations where the temptation to use is high until you are confident you can remain tobacco-free. Avoid: If you can't avoid these high risk situations, then plan ahead what you will do instead of dipping so that you will be able to resist the temptation to use.
DEAR Give yourself a reward (other than dipping!) every day you stay tobacco free. Reward:
REMEMBER… You don’t smoke/chew because you WANT to … You smoke or chew because you NEED to… YOU’RE ADDICTED!
The best thing you can do for yourself and the people who care about you is to
Before you end up HERE!