Mrs. Kate Hendrix English III Warren East High School Rhetorical Appeals Mrs. Kate Hendrix English III Warren East High School
Our Focus What a text does, not on what it says. When performing rhetorical analyses of arguments, we look at what “moves” a writer makes in hopes of persuading the reader to his/her side of the claim.
Quick Review
Matching Quiz Ethos Logos Pathos a) the argument itself; the reasoning the author uses; logical evidence b) words or passages an author uses to activate emotions c) how an author builds credibility, trustworthiness, character, and plays on a reader’s sense of responsibility and morality
How might a writer appeal to a reader using each device? Ethos Logos Pathos
Happy Volt Owners https://www.yo h?v=6o8fDaM7 S94 Literally, what is the primary argument of these videos? In the larger sense, what is being suggested by Chevy? What logic is used to present this argument? What evidence is used to defend the position? To what extent does it actually support the claim? What holes or flaws can you find within the argument? What errors exist in Chevy’s reasoning? https://www.yo h?v=6o8fDaM7 S94 https://www.yo h?v=f4lzh1B- 8gM 0f755decfebc Review Quiz – Kahoot! 0f755decfebc
Now you try… Your team is among the finalists to design the new anti-smoking/tobacco advertising campaign for the American Cancer Society. Since they hope to target a diverse audience, they need to hear four different advertising pitches, one appealing to ethos, one appealing to logos, one appealing to pathos, and one combining all three rhetorical devices. Task: Create four advertising pitches that will persuade the audience to quit smoking/using tobacco. Consider including a slogan, an idea for a commercial, some of the specific ways you intend to appeal to the audience, etc. (20 minutes) You will present your ideas to the class and they will decide on the best ethos, best pathos, best logos, and best combination advertising pitches from the class.
Identify which rhetorical device is the primary appeal used in each commercial: What is the ad DOING? Which rhetorical appeal is being used? To what audience? How is the ad DOING it? Describe what’s going on that made you choose that appeal Why is it effective? Use analytical terms from “How to Talk About It” section