Beef Cattle Breeds
What are breeds? Animals that, through selection and breeding, have come to resemble one another and pass those traits uniformly to their offspring. Perception of the breeders and the livestock industry that decides when a group of individuals constitutes a “breed.” Cattle are either Bos Taurus (British and Continental) or Bos indicus (Brahman and crosses) At stock shows, steers will be grouped as American, British, and Continental
British Breeds Angus Red Angus Hereford Polled Hereford Shorthorn
Angus Origin: Scotland Largest Breed Registry in U.S. Maternal, easy fleshing, average muscle, high carcass quality, grow quickly, mature early, calve easily. Headquarters in St. Joseph, MO
Red Angus Origin: Scotland Same breed as “black” Angus, just red. Same production traits as “Black Angus”. Association headquarters in Denton, TX.
Hereford Origin: England Second largest breed registry in the US Moderate framed. Easy fleshing, low maintenance, average muscle, structurally correct. Average milk, udder quality, moderate growth. Red body. White face, crest, belly, socks. Naturally horned.
Polled Hereford Registry combined with Hereford No horns. Association headquarters in Kansas City, MO
Shorthorn Origin: England Earliest know breed imported into the US. Colors include red, white, red/white paint, and roan (a mixing of individual red and white hair) Polled and horned Popular as show cattle, but little commercial use Association Headquarters in Kansas City, MO
Continental/European/Exotic Charolais Chianina Gelbvieh Limousin Maine Anjou Simmental
Charolais Association headquarters in Kansas City, MO Origin: France Characteristics White, off-white to cream coloration some skin pigmentation possible Large framed with bigger birth weights and large mature size Produce lean, muscular carcasses, poor marbling can be a problem Below average maternally Association headquarters in Kansas City, MO
Chianina Off-white hair coat with black skin pigmentation , horned Origin: Italy Characteristics Off-white hair coat with black skin pigmentation , horned Developed as draft animals. Extremely large framed, late maturing breed that is fast growing Produce lean, muscular carcasses, marbling is suspect Terminal Breed Association headquarters in Platte City, MO
Gelbvieh Origin: Germany Characteristics Reddish gold to russet hair color, horned and polled. Now some black purebreds. Developed as a dual purpose breed in Germany Moderate sized, early maturing, good dispositions, excellent fertility and milk production Balancer composite (Gelbvieh x Angus) is extremely popular. Association in Westminister, CO
Limousin Origin: France Characteristics Reddish gold in color, some black from crosses with Angus, horned and polled Moderate sized breed Low fertility and in maternal characteristics Produce extremely lean, muscular carcasses but difficult to grade choice Aggressive Lim-Flex is a composite of with Angus Association Headquarters in Englewood, CO
Maine Anjou Origin: France Characteristics Deep red color with white underline and patches, horned Some black, especially in show steers, due to crossing with Angus Largest continental breed in terms of weight Relatively high birth weights Known for being fairly efficient grazing forages. Produce extremely lean, muscular carcasses but difficult to grade choice Association headquarters in Platte City, MO
Simmental Origin: Switzerland Characteristics One of the oldest and most widely distributed Originally red and white but also black and white today but can be solid colored Polled or horned Fullbloods are called Fleckvieh Excellent Milk, Growth and Muscle Association headquarters in Bozeman, MT
Bos indicus/American Breeds Brahman Beefmaster Brangus Santa Gertrudis Braford Gelbray Charbray Brahmousin Simbrah Red Brangus
Brahman Origin: India Exposure to inadequate food, pests, parasites, diseases, and weather, develop adaptations for survival. Large, floppy ears, excess skin at throat and dewlap. More highly developed sweat glands. Intermediate in size, horned, light gray or red to almost black, short hair coat, black skin. Later maturing, poor carcass quality. Association headquarters in Houston, TX
Beefmaster Origin: United States Characteristics 50% Brahman, 25% Hereford and 25% Shorthorn no set color pattern, though mostly reds, some black noted for longevity, hardiness, rapid growth, and maternal ability Lower carcass quality due to high Brahman content Association headquarters in San Antonio, TX
Brangus 5/8 Angus and 3/8 Brahman, black and naturally polled Origin: United States Characteristics 5/8 Angus and 3/8 Brahman, black and naturally polled excellent mothering ability, moderate size, early sexual maturity, heat tolerance, and foraging ability, average carcass quality Association headquarters in San Antonio, TX
Santa Gertrudis Origin: United States Characteristics: 5/8 Shorthorn and 3/8 Brahman, dark red, both horned and polled developed on the King Ranch by founder Robert J. Kleberg Breed traces back to a single sire noted for maternal ability of females, productivity under hot, adverse conditions and overall hardiness Popular as range cattle, not as show cattle Association headquarters in Kingsville, TX
Braford – 5/8 Hereford, 3/8 Brahman Charbray – 5/8 Charolais, 3/8 Brahman Gelbray – 5/8 Gelbvieh, 3/8 Brahman Bramousin – 5/8 Limousin, 3/8 Brahman Simbrah – 5/8 Simmental, 3/8 Brahman Red Brangus – 5/8 Red Angus, 3/8 Brahman
Other Breeds Red Poll – British, red with a white switch Senepol – US Virgin Islands, heat tolerant Murray Grey – Australian, silver colored Belted Galloway – British, Black & White