Communication & Interaction Strategies Special Education Paraprofessional Workbook Module 5
Causes of Communication Breakdowns External communication barriers Internal communication barriers Lack of interest or attention Failure to listen Failure to clarify comments Childhood teachings Failure to see a person as an individual Interruptions Lack of self-confidence Ignorance of your projected image
Approaches to Communication Aggression Passive Passive aggressive Assertive
Effective Strategies Maintain a pleasant tone of voice. Vary your speed. Choose your words carefully. Use “I” messages rather than “you” messages. Use a person’s name. Use the appropriate nonverbal cues. Ask meaningful questions. Choose an appropriate time for communicating.
Handling Negative Feelings Recognize responsibility for personal faults. Discuss your negative feelings. Describe the issue or behavior without emotion. Use “I” messages. Discuss your problem without making accusations. Do not bring up already-settled issues. Follow the guidelines for effective communication.
Skills for Effective Listening Prepare to listen. Listen to what the speaker is and is not saying. Concentrate. Be empathetic. Have an open mind. Judge the content, not the delivery. Repeat what you think you heard for clarification. Provide feedback.
Nonverbal Communication
Interacting with Teachers and Parents General strategies Interacting with teachers Interacting with parents
Interacting with Students Treat all equally Acknowledge Behavior management techniques Positive feedback every day Student first, not disability Address student directly Encouraging rather than correcting
Students with Traumatic Brain Injuries Strategies?
Students with Deafness or Hearing Impairment Strategies?
Students with Intellectual Disabilities or Autism Strategies?
Students with Specific Learning Disability Strategies?
Students with Orthopedic Impairment Strategies?
Students with Emotional Disturbance Strategies?
Students with Speech or Language Impairment Strategies?
Students with Other Health Impairment Strategies?
Students with Visual Impairment (including Blindness) Strategies?
Communication and Privacy School policies about sharing student information FERPA requirements Sample scenarios?