Communication strategy


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Presentation transcript:

Communication strategy

Communicator strategy: objective, style, credibility

”By the end of this message, I want my audience to …” Communication objective can always be worded as… ”By the end of this message, I want my audience to …”

By the end of this message, I want my audience to … …know how to write effectively. …be a speaker at our event. …feel that they belong to our company. …be inspired to change their lives. Objective drives content (+ ethos, logos, pathos) If the objective is not clear to you, it will not be clear to the audience

Communicator strategy: objective, style, credibility Tell / sell

Communicator strategy objective, style, credibility Consult / join

Communicator strategy objective, style, credibility Initial A c q u i r e d

Communicator strategy objective, style, credibility - sources Rank

Communicator strategy objective, style, credibility - sources Goodwill Personal relationship Track record Trustworthiness

Communicator strategy objective, style, credibility - sources Expertise

Communicator strategy objective, style, credibility - sources Image

Communicator strategy objective, style, credibility - sources Common ground Values Ideas Problems Needs

Audience strategy – reasons for ineffective communication Language Use of an inappropriate medium Poor listening skills Emotional interference Degree of knowledge of sender and receiver

Questions to ask about audience Who are they?

What do they know?

How do they feel?

How can they be persuaded? Audience benefits Message structure

Message structure Foot in the door –technique Ask for more –technique Two-sided structure

Message strategy - Emphasize conclusion Most Audience Remembers Direct Approach Indirect Approach Least Beginning End Message

Channel – choose strategically Paper copy Meeting Text message Phone Podcast Twitter Webcast Blog Chat Facebook E-mail Wiki Webmeeting

Exercise on communication strategy Person A: Retail estate agent Job: try to sell an apartment in this building to person B Time: approximately 3 minutes Person B: Potential buyer viewing the apartment (private showing) Job: carefully listen to person A and his arguments Not allowed to speak, but can give non-verbal feedback

Exercise phase II Person B: Person A: A’s argumentation convinced you, and you like the place Now talk to your spouse and convince him that you should buy the apartment Use the argumentation you heard, and add your own views Time: approximately 3 minutes Person A: Change your role; you are now person B’s spouse Listen while B tries to convince you

Exercise wrap-up Agents: Potential buyers: What did you consider to be your communication objective? How did you establish credibility for yourself? How did you construct your argument based on your audience (think about the four questions)? Potential buyers: How did you construct your argument based on your audience?