Organizational Communication
Importance of Communication
Process of Communication
What is organizational communication?
Types of Organizational Communication
Barriers to Organizational Communication
Situational Communication
Importance of Communication (Robert D. Breth) “It is impossible to have relations without communications and vice versa.” (S.I. Hayakawa) “The meaning of words are not in words; they are in us.”
Process of Communication Communication is the process of conveying the information and understanding of issues from one person to another. It is just like sharing the meanings with juniors, seniors or co-workers to get work done. Communication is a dynamic process through which managers or supervisors take action and do things. One person can initiate the process of communication but can not complete it by himself or herself. It is completed only when the receiver receives it.
Process of Communication People communicate with symbols of language, pictures, and gestures. Receivers draw meanings from symbols on the basis of their prior knowledge and experience. If a person does not know a particular language, for example Chinese, the symbols of Chinese language will be meaningless. With reference to language, ideas should be emphasized instead of words. Visuals are an aid to communication and actions speak louder than words. Since communication is a two way process, listening skills are important. In consequence, for good speaking and writing skills, good listening skills are required.
To Improve Listening Skills 1. Stop talking 2. Put the talker at ease 3. Show him that you want to listen 4. Remove distractions 5. Empathize – sharing of meanings 6. Be patient 7. Hold your temper – Don’t be reactive 8. Go easy on argument and criticism 9. Ask questions 10. Stop talking
Organizational Communication Communication is the process by which all human interaction takes place. Significant groups in this process are management and employees. Management communication is especially important and most channels of communication with workers are based in the management. Upward communication is more difficult to develop than downward communication.
Organizational Communication The administration is generally concerned with facilitation communication in the organization. Each manager has a complicated set of relationships with other individuals and these relationships are substantially determined by organization structure. Accordingly, organization structure has a major influence on communication. Any person and organization can not communicate more than what it knows. Therefore, organizations and managers need to know more.
Organizational Communication The major dimension of organizational communication is open communication that values diversity. In general, organizational communication is the compounded interpersonal communication process across an organization. Vertical communication is the flow of information both up and down the chain of command. It is usually official information. It is upward and downward.
Importance of Organizational Communication Global organizations, that stress diversity, realize that there are 13 dimensions for success, and the number one dimension is open communication. In today’s diversified global environment, coaching is the primary vehicle for positively influencing employees’ performance. Coaching involves questioning, listening, and the ability to provide feedback to enhance skills and build self-esteem. Sensitive listening is the key to effective management, and busy executives spend 80 percent of their time listening.
Lee Iacocca, the top executive credited with saving Chrysler Corporation from bankruptcy, said, “The most important thing I learned in school was how to communicate”. At all organizational levels, at least 75 percent of each workday is consumed by talking and listening. Seventy-five percent of what we hear we hear imprecisely. Seventy-five percent of what we hear accurately we forget within three weeks. Communication, the skill we need the most at work, is the skill we most lack.
Communication is an essential prerequisite of organization Communication is an essential prerequisite of organization. When organizations hire employees, one of the most important factors considered is communication skills. However, there are many employees who lack basic communication skills and the problem will continue as work force diversity grows. Because communication skills are so important and because so many employees’ skills are so poor, organizations are spending millions of dollars to teach workers basic communication skills. Various research studies have revealed that as much as 70 percent of all business communication fails to achieve the intended purposes. Employees need relationships to realize their potential. Every communication interaction provides an opportunity for each participant to increase or decrease the intensity of relations and also to get the work or business done.
Types of Organizational Communication Vertical communication - official Horizontal communication - informal Grapevine communication (informal) Communication networks (circle, chain, all channel etc) Show importance Systems approach popular
Barriers to Organizational Communication Perception Noise Emotions (anger, fear, sadness, happiness) Filtering (process of altering the message for more favorable image) Trust and credibility Information overload Not listening (only hearing) Time and place Media selection
Situational Communication Situations are not always planned and if planned, their details vary significantly. People in general are not prepared to handle situational communication. It comes with experience.