Therapeutic Communication Skills Chapter 1 Therapeutic Communication Skills
“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” -Maya Angelou
Objectives Compare / Contrast social vs. Therapeutic Communication Analyze the 5 C’s of communication Discuss and Identify the 2 keys to successful communication Identify 3 listening goals for the healthcare professional Describe 6 Roadblocks/barriers to Communication
Questions for Professional Genuinely enjoy helping people? Comfortable in the “servant” role? Treat patients as guests? Able to accept differences? Firm yet gentle? Keep from co-dependency?
Human Relations Communication Skills Social communication Nonspecific professional skills (small talk) Assist client, make comfortable Therapeutic communication Specific, well-defined professional skills Based on client’s needs Supports and educates client/pt in a professional manner Requires technical communication skills
Verbal Communication Five Cs of communication Complete Clear Concise Cohesive Courteous
Two Keys to Successful Communication Congruency between the verbal and non-verbal message Non-verbal cues appear in groups (clustering) 70% of communication is non-verbal 23% is tone of voice 7% is actual message
Verifying the perceptions Communication Cycle SENDER formulates idea MESSAGE speaking listening gesturing writing RECEIVER Active listening FEEDBACK Verifying the perceptions Discuss how the communication cycle works. Give examples for health professionals and clients. How important is the feedback cycle?
Nonverbal Communication Body language, kinesics Learned behavior, cultural influence Feelings Clustering of nonverbal cues Congruency between nonverbal and verbal communication Facial expression Touch Personal space Position Posture Gestures, mannerisms
Listening Skills & 3 Goals We are given two ears and only one mouth Third ear Active listening, concentration Paraphrasing Thinking about something else Improve skills so client is fully understood Listen to what is not said, to hints Determine accuracy of received message
Roadblocks/Barriers to Communication Class discussion on identifying the roadblocks or barriers to communication
Influences On Life Genetic Cultural Economic Life experience Spiritual, moral values Models and mentors
Therapeutic Response Self-awareness, its value to professional Ideal self, public self, real self Congruency Self-assessment Positive self-acceptance This project was funded at $3,000,000 (100% of its total cost) from a grant awarded under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grants, as implemented by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. Rogue Community College is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services, alternate form and language services are available to individuals with disabilities and limited English proficiency free of cost upon request. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.