Welcome Back National Board Candidates! Sign in. Pick up the handouts, your name tag, and a playing card. Sit in your certificate area to begin. Hold on to your video homework until after we do the video viewing activity this afternoon. Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
October 22: Videoing Workshop Revisiting our professional norms Sharing writing tips Digging into Component 3 Video viewing activity LUNCH Written commentary feedback Video tips and questions Looking ahead… Wrap up/burning questions
Candidate Whip-Around Name School Certificate Area
Remember those Professional Norms? Practice active listening. Maintain equity of voice—no dominators Be respectful. Provide feedback to others; be honest. Maintain confidentiality. Provide clear expectations (facilitators and candidates). Start and end workshops on time. Attend all workshops or notify Terry/colleagues and make arrangements to get information missed. Take breaks as needed. Keep phone use and sidebar conversations to a minimum.
Writing Practice In the next 6 minutes… Describe, Analyze and Reflect on how you embody this Core Proposition: Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Writing for the National Board What? So what? Now what? Some of you have National Board writing experience under your belt…let’s share tips! Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Breaking Down Component 3 Video taping components are a whole different animal! Read all instructions carefully, many times. Complete the Breaking Down the Component form independently first... …then you’ll have time to discuss with your colleagues. Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Don’t forget the Standards that MUST BE MET! Can you connect specific STANDARDS to specific sections/questions in the Component 3 Written Commentary? Let’s do it! Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership Break! Transition to new small groups of 3-4 based on your playing card Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Analyzing a Video: One Approach Find a quiet place and bring your video. First watch the video in its entirety. Your objective is to decide if there is a segment that is usable or if the entire clip needs to be abandoned. When you’ve found the segment that you want to use, watch it 4 different times. Focus: Your teaching Focus: Learning environment Focus: Dialogue (Transcribe or close eyes.) Focus: Standards Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership Video View Form Your Teaching The focus is pedagogy and content knowledge. Don’t take anything for granted. Why do you walk around the room? Why did you use a handout/chalkboard/overhead projector? Learning Environment How do you interact with the students? How do they interact with one another? How do you know they are engaged? Consider body language and facial expressions. Dialogue Listen intently to what you say and what the students say. Find a connection to your goals/objectives and that of the entry in general. Standards Note the standard(s) being met as a result of your teaching, the learning environment, and dialogue. Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Video Viewing Activity Within your group, briefly explain your teaching context. Show no more than 5 minutes of your video. Colleagues will provide feedback based on the focus area on the sticky notes 1st Your Teaching 2nd Learning Environment 3rd Dialogue Take notes on the feedback you receive on the form provided. Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership Working Lunch! Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Component 3 Writing Feedback In pairs/triads, exchange homework Provide peer feedback: Has the candidate answered all parts of the prompt? Has the candidate provided evidence? Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
What did you learn from having your video viewed? Advice on Videoing What did you learn from having your video viewed? Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Careful, meticulous analysis of the lesson The bridge between your videoed lesson and your written commentary is your careful analysis of the video. Careful, meticulous analysis of the lesson Video Written Commentary Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Videoing Nuts and Bolts Logistics Release forms Camera placement/what to highlight External microphone? Editing Computer programs? Resources What equipment is available? Who can help? Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership Important! PLEASE HAVE SOMEONE ELSE ANALYZE YOUR VIDEO. S/HE MAY SEE SOMETHING YOU DON’T. Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Remember: You are the Standards! The standards are what you do in your classroom. The video and the writing serve as the evidence. Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Remember: You are the Standards! YOU HAVE TO… Show, Say, & Explain Don’t assume that an assessor will know WHY you did something. Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership ???Videoing Questions??? Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership Looking ahead… November 19th – Effective and Reflective Practitioner – Component 4 The directions for this component are not scheduled to be released until November, so we have not created a homework assignment yet. We will send one out via email Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Assessing our Professional Norms How are we doing? Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Assessing the Videotaping Workshop What worked? What didn’t? Copyright VCU Center for Teacher Leadership
Burning Questions?