Year 7 Homework Tasks Year 8 Homework Tasks Year 9 Homework Tasks Only one rotation for Year 7 in Design and Technology This equates to 2 homework tasks per rotation. Project Title Assessed pieces of work Homework Task Acrylic Key fob with MDF box The practical skills will be assessed also with evidence of evaluation skills. Health and safety worksheet to help develop understanding of keeping safe within the workshop. Tools and equipment worksheet to help develop their knowledge of using small hand tools safely and under control. Year 8 Homework Tasks Two rotations for Year 8 in Design and Technology This equates to 4 homework tasks per rotation. Project Title Assessed pieces of work Homework Task CAD/CAM Desk Tidy Design The research and designing skills will be assessed. To research similar existing products that are sold commercially or have been hand made. Analyse the effectiveness of each one and suggest ways it can be improved. To produce an Orthographic drawing of your final design idea for the desk tidy on the sheet provided. Presentation is important. Make The practical skills will be assessed also with the evidence of evaluation skill. To produce a fact sheet on CAD/CAM. To find out what the advantages and disadvantages are for using CAD/CAM over hand processes. Produce a detailed step by step plan of making to show all the main stages of making your desk tidy correctly in detail Year 9 Homework Tasks Only one rotation for Year 9 in Design and Technology This equates to 2 homework tasks per rotation. Project Title Assessed pieces of work Homework Task Boat The practical skills will be assessed also with evidence of evaluation skills. Health and safety worksheet to help develop understanding of keeping safe within the workshop. Tools and equipment worksheet to help develop their knowledge of using small hand tools safely and under control.
Year 7 Health & Safety Homework Task 1 Health & Safety is very important in the Design &Technology workshop. The best way to inform people of the potential dangers is with signs and symbols. Design and make your own safety symbol or sign for the workshop. You may need to carry out research to support you in this. The work will need to be accurate and well presented. You need to spend quality time to complete this successfully Name
Year 7 Tools and Equipment Homework Task 2 Explain how you have used this carefully with health & safety Explain how you have used Quality Control to be successful Acrylic Tensol Cement Coping Saw Wet & Dry paper Vice File Name
Year 8 Researching Existing Products Homework Task 1 You will be designing and making an acrylic desk tidy using CAD/CAM. Carry out research on different types of existing desk tidies. You can use the internet, draw out examples or cut pictures out of catalogues. Please explain what you like, dislike and would improve for each one. Explain who you think the target audience would be with reasons why. Research Name
Year 8 Orthographic Drawing Homework Task 2 An orthographic drawing shows the top, front and side view of an object. Produce an Orthographic drawing of your desk tidy below. Use coloured pencil crayons to add colour, tone and texture. Final Idea Name
Year 8 CAD/CAM Equipment Homework Task 3 Explain how you plan to use the CAD/CAM equipment correctly to make your desk tidy. To produce a fact sheet on CAD/CAM. To find out what the advantages and disadvantages are for using CAD/CAM over hand processes. Explain with justification. Research 2D Design Tools Laser Machine Name
Year 8 Step by Step Plan of Making Task 4 Steps Produce a detailed step by step plan of making to show all the main stages of making your desk tidy correctly in detail. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Name
Year 9 Tools Natural Wood Homework Task 1 Research Answer the questions below and justify each answer given. The quality of written communication will also be assessed. Name three softwoods: (3 marks) Name 3 hardwoods: (3 marks) Name three manufactured boards: (3 marks) What does deciduous mean and what types of wood are deciduous? (1 mark) How do the properties of wood change in relation to the grain? (1 mark) What are knots in wood (how did they get there) and what effect do they have on the structure of the wood? (3 marks) What is meant by ‘conversion’ of wood and give two types and briefly explain why you might use different methods. (4 marks) Briefly explain what is meant by shrinkage in woods. (3 marks) Name
Year 9 Tools and Equipment Homework Task 2 Research Explain how you use the tools and equipment safely and correctly to make your wooden boat accurately. Coping Saw Tenon Saw File Hand Drill Steel Rule Bench Hook Sanding Belt Try-square Bevelled Edged Chisel Brace and Bit Marking Gauge Abrasive Paper Name