Being an Event Planner Usually running your own business You’ll need to have tools that will help you manage & market it so that you are successful
Some skills: Management Skills are: Marketing skills are: Having good vision & mission statements Having a Leadership Style Creating a positive corporate culture Marketing skills are: Name/Logo/Slogan Getting name out/promotion Text Text Text Text Text
Properly crafted Statements States MARKETS to be served Filters IMPORTANT from what is not Tells DIRECTION of company
Creating Vision & Mission Statements A Vision Statement: Where do you see the business going? What is the purpose/goal of the business? A Mission Statement: How are you going to reach your goal? This focus never changes All decisions within the business should be aligned with vision/mission
Parts of good statements: IN WRITING Name the business Describe what business is/does (type of business) Give 1 goal/purpose/objective of business (Vision) Tell how you plan to meet the goal (Mission)
EXAMPLE Example: The mission of Save the Date is to be the leading event planner in Rochester that will provide you a ‘hassle-free” wedding, party or special occasion event by offering outstanding customer service and a one -stop “shop” for all services you may need. NAME OF BUSINESS TYPE OF BUSINESS GOAL/PURPOSE HOW WE’LL DO IT
Marketing Your Business The most important step is to choose a name that makes a lasting impression- CUSTOMER’S WILL REMEMBER. Name & logo should “fit” together. It must convey the image & tell about the product you are selling
Marketing Your Business Create business cards, logos, slogans, websites, portfolios of past work Keys to effective logos: Memorable Uniqueness Scalability(from billboards to business cards) Professional “Fits” slogan
Marketing Your Business This can be done through: Trade Shows Word of Mouth Advertisements Social Networking Business Cards Websites Portfolio of past work
Watch the Pros
Making & Closing a Sale Tips for a sale Watch the video on Wolf of Wall Street on making a sale. How could you incorporate some of the tips into your sales presentation? Closing the Sale Scripted Close
Client Profile Karen Kubiak, 555-5555 Event: Surprise16th birthday party for her daughter, Brooklyn Date: February 2017 Guests: 50-75 – includes family and friends Budget: $4,000 Vision: The party can not be at her home Customer Likes: her daughter likes the color pink, polka dots, and country music Customer Dislikes: Her daughter does not like being outside in the cold Misc. She would like some activity at the party
Items to Consider Who is your client? What are the needs of your client? Handouts for client(s)