JET2 Weddings
The big day Sam & Annaka Annaka saw Sam playing guitar at a gig and set her cap at him. This was five years ago and they had some ups and downs before things settled into a status quo they liked. Sam proposed a year ago and Annaka accepted in a heartbeat. They split their time between Sam’s room in the shared house he lives in and at Annaka’s parents who like Sam. They are moving into their own place around the time they get married. Annaka’s father is starting them off on that as a wedding present. They want a memorable day. Something to mark their change from being kids to being adults and something that their family can share, but they have individual reasons for wanting to avoid a long white dress and a big church.
The big day Sam & Annaka Sam – 31, Guitarist/Works in a Call Centre Why he would buy He would see Jet2 weddings as a way to create a small wedding which will allow him to be more selective over who is invited. Sam – 31, Guitarist/Works in a Call Centre Sam’s biggest worry when he thinks about his wedding is that his family is a mess. His Mother and Father split up years ago, his Mother drinks too much but they get on well enough, his Father has a string of girlfriends that he called “The Harridans”, he has half-brothers who can turn any event into a brawl and in his imagination all those problems and more would blight his wedding day. Contrast that with Annaka’s family who he loves and he knows he could not get away with inviting all her family and few of his. Besides, Sam has had to bring himself up for years. It’s twelve years since he left home and the three lads he moved in with, their parents and their girlfriends are more of his family. It’s a family of choice perhaps, but those people mean more to him than his actual family. Every time he thinks about how to tell his family that they are less welcome than friends his head hurts and he gets upset, and kills off conversations. Finally while Annaka’s family are well off, he is not. He needs to keep the costs reasonable. Annaka’s father might even be willing to pay for a full wedding but Sam wants to be an adult, and an adult pays his own way. What he wants to avoid Feeling under the financial thumb of his Father-in-law. “I really don’t want to borrow money off Jerry so I can pay for The Harridans to feast.”
The big day Sam & Annaka Annaka – 29, Bar Manager Why she would buy She would see Jet2 weddings as a way to make sure that she was doing something different enough to be extraordinary. Annaka – 29, Bar Manager When she was 24 and on a beach in Mexico, Annaka got a text from Sam and reading it she knew she would marry him. She drank her Mojito, stretched out and just knew it. She tends to get what she wants. And what she wants is her wedding, her way. She had dreams when she was younger about a massive meringue dress and walking up the aisle. When she was a student she swore she would never get married. When she was in India she promised a guy that they would get married naked on a beach in the year 2020. She does not tell Sam that. This is her day. She is making the decisions and she knows that Sam will go along with that. She had planned big events in the past and been to enough weddings to know what she does not want. She has adventured and that sets the context for her wedding. She is not interested in being married in the churches that her parents and their friends married in. She wants to get the same feeling on her wedding day that she did on the beach in Mexico. She wants to feel like she is adventuring. There were times she considered herself a nomad, a wanderer, and soon she will have a house to go with her proper job. This might be her last chance to be different. What she wants to avoid The kind of wedding that everyone else would want her to have. “Bridezilla? Do me a favour.”
Once more, with feeling Christopher & Carol Christopher met Carol four years ago. Three years ago they got serious and within a few months they had moved in together. Carol’s son was a problem at first but Christopher won him round by not trying to be his father and not trying to step into shoes he could not fill. They have money to spend on whatever sort of size they want within reason, but they know they could spend that money on other things. What they need is a wedding that they enjoy, feel relaxed, and includes the son, and gives notice to their friends that they have started a new part of their life. As a couple they want to avoid wasting money on feeding extended family and distant friends, and they have individual worries about re-marriage.
With feeling Christopher & Carol Why he would buy He would see Jet2 weddings as a way to do something totally different to his last wedding. Christopher – 38, Journalist Marriage was a good experience for Christopher until it went bad and when it did go bad it was a painful experience. Christopher’s prime need is to have something different. Something different from his first wedding for him, because he does not want to bring up bad memories on his second big day. Something different for her, because he does not feel she is a replacement and he wants her to understand that he is making something new and not just a re-run. Something different for his family and community or friends. His nightmare is that someone would say “It’s better than Chris’ first one…” Another lesson he learned was that weddings cost money, a lot of money, and so do divorces. And while he is only planning on doing one and not the other, with Carol he still does not want to spend as much money as was spent first time around. Big church, massive reception, and then two years making ends meet that would have been better spent having a good time between them. Finally Christopher has no need to have a day where all his family and friends get together in a church. He was not entirely sure that was what he wanted first time but he did it because of the pressures around him. Those pressures are gone now, and he sort of wants something that is more “him”. What he wants to avoid He would want to make sure that the wedding did not waste money. “What I want is something different.”
With feeling Christopher & Carol Why she would buy She would see Jet2 weddings as a way to keep the scale of the event. “It’s like a small family holiday and it avoids a lot of fuss.” Carol – 42, Deputy Head Carol’s life has had more changes than she wanted it to have. She rushed into getting married young, she had a son, he grew up, she had problems with her marriage, she divorced him, the son got a girlfriend, she met a guy, her father died, the guy turned out to be bad, the son was run over and ended up in hospital, she met Christopher, the son got along ok with him in time, they moved in together. She has had a lot of things in her life and they are all big and all significant, and because she has known a lot of them this second wedding seems, somehow, smaller. It is the thing she is doing between moving in with Christopher and her son going to University. Not that she is not excited and not that she does not want to do it but in the context of her life it is one of many big days, not her only big day. Besides, weddings – those sort of weddings – are not for 42-year old brides. She was 22 when she first married, wore a huge dress and got to dance with great uncles she never knew she had. To do all that now would seem out of sorts. Finally there are a few issues with getting married. She has an ex who is father to her son who she would not want to be there but her son probably would. She has extended family that she has long since stopped caring about but really does not want to offend. She wants a low-key wedding. Something that people will not feel that they are left out if they are not included in. Something under the radar. What she wants to avoid She would want to stop herself looking foolish with a young person’s wedding. “Mutton dressed as lamb.” “I don’t want to get married, I want to be married.”