Innovation Policy in Germany – Strategies and Programmes at the Federal and at the Regional Level Alexander Eickelpasch, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin), Berlin, Germany New Industrial development and system-based policies Villa Medicea di Artimino, 9 October 2012 DIW Berlin is My expertise is on 1990 until 2003 involved in Projets for the FM of Ec Affairs on german unification
Agenda The German research and innovation system R&D and innovation policies of the states Programmes by criteria broken down by states Volume of the federal broken down by states Project funding from the perspective of the companies funded Conclusions
1 The German research and innovation system
1 The German Research and Innovation System Where does R&D take place? 2009: 6,7 bn, 2.82% of GDP - 2005: 5,5 bn (2.51%) Private enterprise sector: LE (84%), AiF (consortium for Industrial Research Associations) Government and private non-profit sector: Max-Planck institutes (MPG), Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FhG), Helmholtz Association (HGF), Leibniz Association (WGL), federal government and state government research organisations
1 The German Research and Innovation System Innovation and technology support for SMEs Funding of R&D by government Institutional Funding (of PROs; long term; 42% of fed. exp.) PROs MPG, FhG, DFG, HGF, WGL Funders are the BMBF, BMWi, partly in cooperation with the federal states (Joint Science Conference (GWK) acc. to Art. 91b of the German Basic Law) Project funding (target oriented, short to medium-term; 50%) Direct (specific research/ technology area e.g. biotech, nanotech, aviation, transport, energy, environment, IT) Indirect (technology open) Insitutionelle Förderung: 2010: 7 Mrd Euro, 4,9 bund, 2,1 Länder (Tabelle 12 3/3 Bufi, S. 440) Innovation and technology support for SMEs is part of a broad system of innovation policies. Further components are “Mission oriented” programmes . Those programme are launched by different federal ministries, mainly the Federal Ministry of Education and research (BMBF), the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), and the Federal Ministry of Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) Funding of research institutions over a longer period of time in order to assure competence and strategic orientation of the German landscape (MPG, FhG, DFG, HGF, …). Innovation-friendly framework conditions, such as regulation of intellectual property venture capital, tax relief, … Innovation and technology support for SMEs is also part of the “High-Tech Strategy 2020 for Germany” of the German Government. The strategy is a comprehensive national strategy which bundles R&D activities from various fields of in line with the long-time tradition in German innovation policy. The HighTec Strategy defines five major demand fields derived from the global challenges and relevant for the German society – climate/energy, health/nutrition, mobility, security, and communication.
1 The German Research and Innovation System Innovation and technology support for SMEs Insitutionelle Förderung: 2010: 7 Mrd Euro, 4,9 bund, 2,1 Länder (Tabelle 12 3/3 Bufi, S. 440) Innovation and technology support for SMEs is part of a broad system of innovation policies. Further components are “Mission oriented” programmes . Those programme are launched by different federal ministries, mainly the Federal Ministry of Education and research (BMBF), the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), and the Federal Ministry of Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) Funding of research institutions over a longer period of time in order to assure competence and strategic orientation of the German landscape (MPG, FhG, DFG, HGF, …). Innovation-friendly framework conditions, such as regulation of intellectual property venture capital, tax relief, … Innovation and technology support for SMEs is also part of the “High-Tech Strategy 2020 for Germany” of the German Government. The strategy is a comprehensive national strategy which bundles R&D activities from various fields of in line with the long-time tradition in German innovation policy. The HighTec Strategy defines five major demand fields derived from the global challenges and relevant for the German society – climate/energy, health/nutrition, mobility, security, and communication.
1 The German Research and Innovation System Indirect project funding BMWi BMBF Funding of R&D projects SME Central Innovation Programme (ZIM) X ZIM-SOLO ZIM-KOOP KMU-innovativ Enterprise Region Soft loans ERP Innovation Programme Promotion of Hightech start ups HighTec Start up Fund EXIST Promotion of technology transfer Collective Industrial Research (IGF) INNO-KOM-Ost Cluster policies (Competence networks Germany) (ZIM-NEMO) Indirect project funding Most SME programs by the BMWi are “technology neutral” The following table provides an synopsis about the most important programmes which aim at strengthening R&D and innovativeness of SMEs in Germany. The table classifies the programmes in those which finance specific R&D projects in SMEs, fund the new companies, fund or support the transfer of technologies and knowledge, and support the organisation of networks and clusters SMESs are part of. It becomes apparent that most of the programmes for SMEs are run by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), and only two by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In Germany there are 16 federal states which also play an important role in innovation policy. They vary in their policy strategies very much which is also due to the differences in the industrial structure of the regions. To present all the different federal states approaches and programmes would exceed the frame of this presentation. It is however important to know that according to their self-conception the federal states offer complementary programmes to the programmes on the federal level and the EU which are tailored to regional conditions. Most of the federal states ministries have launched a programme called “innovation assistant” by which SMEs get reimbursed part of the salary for an employee which graduated from a German university and started his career in the company. Nearly all of them also have programmes for facilitation of regional or local network and clusters. Also to mention are the activities of the European Union, mainly the programme „Eurostars” which is a programme that funds R&D projects in SMEs with international cooperation, and the EU framework programme. In the following some of the most important programmes are presented. The presentation is on the objectives and the funding conditions and also comprises some remarks on the effectiveness of the programme.
1 The German Research and Innovation System Innovation and technology support for SMEs BMBF the most important funder of R&D project funding, mostly direct funding Followed by the BMWi, mostly indirect SME funding
1 The German Research and Innovation System Innovation and technology support for SMEs 2011: Expenditures in 2011: 12.0 bn. Euros, 2005: 7.8 bn. Euros Including die PROs. NUR AN UNTERNEHMEN: 2,6 bn von 12,7 bn (2010)!!!!!
2 R&D and innovation policies of the states
2 R&D and innovation policies of the states Innovation and technology support for SMEs The federal structure allows the states to pursue R&D and innovation policies independently from the policies at the federal level. The main aim of the policies is to address the specific strengths of the state in terms of technology and industry Variety of measures Criteria for the comparison of the individual state strategies Technology orientation (technology specific, not technology specific) Type of funding (single or cooperative project, consulting service, network management, soft loans) Beneficiary of the programme (companies, only SME, etc.). Sources: Official data bank “” Inquiry by DIW Berlin on behalf of the BMWi Further possible criteria: Beneficiary: Startups, companies, research organisation Technolgy open, technology specific Soft loan, grant
2 R&D and innovation policies of the states Innovation and technology support for SMEs Consulting servive: Innovtion voucher! Sehr beliebt geworden. Pendant zu einem BMWi Programm Mostly complementary to the programs at the federal level Most programs are technology open, Technology programs are mostly broadly defined Some states allocate funding by contests (NRW)
2 R&D and innovation policies of the states Federal and state funding directly to SME1), in Mio. Euro 1 Assumption: 50% of the technology open directly to SMEs. 2 2005 without NRW und Schleswig-Holstein, 2006 without NRW. Sources: Bundesbericht Forschung und Innovation 2012 und 2010, Inquiry of the states; Calculations by DIW Berlin. 250 500 750 1 000 1 250 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 188 227 264 252 228 306 239 249 380 281 292 327 350 366 450 487 418 420 545 456 BMWi, technology open Federal government, technology specific States, to companies 2 Funding by the states One third of the funding by the states Number of programs has increased Co financed by EFRE and ESF Future financing unclear
2 R&D and innovation policies of the states Innovation and technology support for SMEs Volume of funding at state level Increased in the last years (2007- 2010: 28%), growth however not continuously In strong states funding is low (BW, Bavaria) Innovation and technology support for SMEs is part of a broad system of innovation policies. Further components are “Mission oriented” programmes e.g. biotech, nanotech, aviation, transport, energy, environment, IT. Those programme are launched by different federal ministries, mainly the Federal Ministry of Education and research (BMBF), the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), and the Federal Ministry of Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) Funding of research institutions over a longer period of time in order to assure competence and strategic orientation of the German landscape (MPG, FhG, DFG, HGF, …). Funders are the BMBF, BMWi, partly in cooperation with the federal states Innovation-friendly framework conditions, such as regulation of intellectual property venture capital, tax relief, … Innovation and technology support for SMEs is also part of the “High-Tech Strategy 2020 for Germany” of the German Government. The strategy is a comprehensive national strategy which bundles R&D activities from various fields of in line with the long-time tradition in German innovation policy. The HighTec Strategy defines five major demand fields derived from the global challenges and relevant for the German society – climate/energy, health/nutrition, mobility, security, and communication. In this presentation the aim and the core areas of the German technology and innovation policy are addressed in two ways, first in general and second for those programmes which are especially designed for SME. Also the main institutions in the field of innovation policy, such as the BMBF, the BMWi and the 16 federal states, and the division of labour between these institutions are introduced.
2 R&D and innovation policies of the states SME, which used 2005 to 2010 R&D and innovation funding (%) 20 40 60 80 Technology open programs ZIM-SOLO, INNO-WATT ZIM-KOOP bzw. PRO INNO II INNO-KOM-Ost and IVF KfW-programs State programs Project funding innovation assistent other Technology specific programs BMWi BMBF KMU innovativ Unternehmen Region Other federal programs EU programs The R&D and innovation policy from the company perspective: Technology open programs are widely used State programs play a secondary role N = 3.010, Source: Survey conducted by DIW Berlin 2011.
3 Conclusions
3 Conclusions State funding is a major part of the German innovation policy, plays a complementary role, is focussed on the needs of the states will suffer in the future as it is strongly financed by EU, role of Horizon 2020 is unclear Summary The presentation has shown that German SMEs are supported with a broad variety of programmes in order to strengthen their research and innovation activities. Some programmes fund R&D projects, either a single projects or a project in co operation with universities, research institutes or other companies. Project funds do not fund the whole R&D budget of a company. Another type of programmes facilitates financing of high-tech start ups. A third type supports the technology and knowledge transfer from universities and research facilities. There is a division of responsibility between different promoters. The BMWi is the main responsible ministry for SME innovation policy measures. However other federal ministries and the federal states offer special programmes for SMEs. The BMBF is the main responsible for mission oriented programmes which are open to all companies small and large ones. The SME Central Innovation Programme (ZIM) is the most important programme, as it offers a variety of funding (single projects and projects in co operation), is very much appreciated by the companies who used it, and is the biggest programme in terms of amount of funding. Innovation and Technology Support for SMEs is also integrated into the High-Tech Strategy 2020 for Germany. Conclusions All in all, the system of innovation policy measures for SMEs is well integrated into the German innovation policy. However, there is need for streamlining, also because framework conditions are changing continuously. The aim of innovation policy is to stimulate R&D and innovation activities and behaviour in SMEs. Policy maker should continue their efforts in order to raise the number of SMEs with (continuous) R&D and to encourage SMEs to co operate.
Thank you very much for your attention Alexander Eickelpasch +49 30 89789-680 DIW Berlin — German Insitiute for Economic Research Mohrenstraße 58, D-10117 Berlin, Germany
1 The German Research and Innovation System Innovation and technology support for SMEs Volume of funding at state level In strong states funding is low (BW, Bavaria)