Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials OPEN INNOVATION HUBS Slovenian Business & Research Association European policy and initiatives on nanotechnology and advanced materials 29 March 2017 Hans Hartmann Pedersen, Programme Officer European Commission
Industrial Modernisation Open Innovation Innovation Ecosystems PILOT LINES CHARACTERISATION MODELLING SAFETY ACCELERATING PHYSICAL INNOVATION for MATERIALS Industry In the two KETs: Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials OPEN INNOVATION HUBS 1) Directorate D mission is to support the Industrial transformation of Europe and we would like to do that while promoting Open Innovation principles and fostering New Innovation Ecosystems 2) We (or I) believe that, supporting the creation of OPEN INNOVATION HUBS at EU level that will accelerate the physical innovation for the Materials Industry in the areas of Nanotechnologies and Advanced Materials, is the way to move forward 3) Since the beginning of H2020 we have been working in that direction with: (Instruments implemented by my Directorate so far that will contribute to the proposed solution) Investment of more than 150 million euros in Piloting and upscalling facilities and Setting up the European Pilot production network Investing on Materials Characterisation and setting up the European Materials Characterisation Council (EMCC) Investing on Computational modelling Projects and setting up the European materials modelling council (EMMC) Investment in Nanosafety and Nanotechnologies Risk governance projects and the NANOSAFETY CLUSTER 4) My idea today is to support the development of an integrated innovation ecosystem of interconnected Open Innovation Hubs in order to move this agenda forward
Piloting and upscaling facilities Horizon 2020: EC Contribution 150 M€ 29 Pilot Line Projects 25 Countries (20EU, IL, TR, RU,NO, CH) >70 Pilot Lines >30 Regions involved EUROPEAN PILOT PRODUCTION NETWORK (EPPN) Nano Materials Manufacturing Health/ Personal Care DEFINITION OF PILOTS • 'line' refers typically to the production process • pilot production setup to finetune the production process to allow scale-up for the commercial manufacturing • TRL 5-6 WHY THEY ARE IMPORTANT? Pilots should progress previous research to industrial scale (high TRL) Potential test cases for ambitious projects of industrial scale Enhancing industry’s ability to quickly turn R&D into innovative products Enable early market entry of new products with a competitive edge Pilot production (scale-up of invention to pre-commercial manufacturing) crucial to cross 'Valleyof Death' ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN PILOT PRODUCTION NETWORK act as a coordination platform in the area of nanotechnologies and advanced materials upscaling and pilot actions. EPPN would exploit synergies and maximise impact of the various investments, innovation programmes and financing from H2020, regional and private sources, ensuring cooperation with the Member States and Associated Countries and regions, as well as other stakeholders. 8 EU countries NOT participating to Pilots are: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Slovakia Non EU countries participating to Pilots are: Israel, Turkey, Russia, Norway, Switzerland To note: This slides shows all countries involved in Pilots, it does not mean that we have pilot lines in all those countries
2014-17 Pilot Lines Call Topics NanoMaterials: Open access pilot lines for cost-effective nanocomposites Integration of novel nanomaterials into existing production lines Manufacturing and control of nanoporous materials Industrial-scale production of nanomaterials for printing applications Manufacturing of materials with customized thermal/electrical conductivity properties NanoManufacturing: High definition printing of multifunctional materials Additive manufacturing for table-top nanofactories Manufacturing of Nanotextured surfaces with mechanically enhanced properties 3D printed and/or injection moulded polymeric or ceramic microfluidic MEMS Paper-based electronics Health/Personal Care: Scale-up of nanopharmaceuticals production Novel nanomatrices and nanocapsules Nanostructured Antimicrobial Surfaces using Advanced Nanosurface Functionalization Technologies 2014-17 Pilot Lines Call Topics
Piloting and upscaling facilities 16 RTOs (10 EARTO) 7 Industry 6 Universities 29 Coordinators 328 beneficiaries € PRIVATE FOR PROFIT RESEARCH UNIVERSITIES OTHERS 56% 26% 14% 4% SME 34% EARTO RTOs Participation (Coordination) FRAUNHOFER 10 (1) TECNALIA 5 (2) JOANNEUM RESEARCH 4 (2) CEA 4 (1) VTT 3 (0) TNO 2 (1) LEITAT ARMINES 1 (0) DHI D'APPOLONIA 1 (1) TECHNOLOGY PARTNERS FOUNDATION IFP Energies Nouvelles PROFACTOR GMBH SINTEF TWI EURECAT Participation in Pilots per beneficiaries: 16 RTOs, 8 Industry, and 6 Universities EARTO Members participation in pilots: 16 EARTO members coordinating pilots: 10 VTT is participating to 3 pilots but it does not have coordinating roles SINTEF is participating in 1 pilot and is having a coordinating role CEA is participating in 4 pilots and has 1 coordinating role
Enablers for Innovation Ecosystems Materials Characterisation Modelling Safety and Risks Governance Horizon 2020 NMBP investment Spread along all projects 42 M€ 60 M€ Horizontal platforms European Materials Characterisation Council EMCC European Materials Modelling Council EMMC NanoSafety Cluster Investing on Materials Characterisation Projects and setting up the European Materials Characterisation Council (EMCC) Investing on Computational modelling Projects and setting up the European materials modelling council (EMMC) Investment in Nanosafety and Nanotechnologies Risk governance projects and the NANOSAFETY CLUSTER
Open Innovation Hubs Tasks Open access to facilities and services for design, development, testing, and upscaling materials and nanotechnologies for new products Demonstration in the relevant industrial environments Show-casing technologies with user industry in cross border applications Facilitate access of European SMEs along product supply chains Identification and assessment of potential regulatory, economic and technical barriers Engagement of stakeholders across the EU and the Associated Countries
Open Innovation Hubs Impact Open and upgraded facilities at the EU level Reduced services access costs for companies using the hubs Improved industrial productivity Accelerated innovation in the specific domain Increased access to finance (for SMEs in particular) for investing in these materials or in applications using them 20% increase in SMEs access to hubs' services and increased access to finance for investing in these materials or in applications using them.
1,656 M€ cPPPs 728.7 M€ 44% BIOTEC 198.6 M€ 12% NM + 728.7 M€ 44% 2020 2019 2018 534 M€ 550 M€ 572 M€ 1,656 M€ NM + 728.7 M€ 44%
Technological Research KET Pilot Line and demonstrator projects Continued focus on Upscaling Focus on SME Upscaling and Business Implementation in the area of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials! Widen the pilot project approach by adding requirement for openness, networking, horizontal services and SME 'pilot upscaling cases' for validation and technology transfer. Provide innovation support to SMEs through Regional innovation portals and Networking activities within, between and external to the upscaling facilities. Pillar 1 Technological Research Pillar 2 KET Pilot Line and demonstrator projects Pillar 3 Manufacturing
Technology Upscaling and Innovation Technological Upscaling Services to SMEs: Pilot and Demonstration Facilities and.. Horizontal services Design and modelling! Characterisation, monitoring and control! Safety and regulatory expertice! Digital technology! Business planning? Financing? Networked, Regionally visible and Accessible! Co-funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme
Additional Information
NMBP Main Priorities 2018-2020 Contributions to focus areas Climate, Energy (25%) Circular Economy (20%) Climate, Energy and the circular economy Bringing the digital to the physical world Contributions to Industry 4.0 focus areas including innovation hubs to bring nanotechnologies closer to markets, and medical technologies FOF PILOTS NMB SPIRE EEB Calls
NMBP Support Actions (CSAs) European Pilot Production Network The EPPN intend to cluster and coordinate pilot activities, help promote the pilot infrastructure and advisory services, support their business planning, facilitate access for SME's and start-ups, and support the development of innovation programmes and finance opportunities across H2020, regional and private sources. CSA starting this summer. European Materials Characterisation Cluster Currently active and waiting to have a support action started. European Materials Modelling Council All will contribute at European level to forming European Technological Innovation Hubs.
Networking w/ Horizontal Platforms European Materials Modelling Council EMMC European Materials Characterisation Council EMCC NanoSafety Platform Digital Enterprise Initiative - Digital Innovation Hubs DIH Finance and Business Support functions (Invest-Europe, EIB/EFSI (European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH), Regional funds/ERDF etc.)
Coordination with other initiatives GROW/CNECT/NMBP? Coordination with other initiatives GROW/JRC "SSP for Industrial Modernisation" GROW/INNOSUP-03-2017 Technology services to accelerate the uptake of advanced manufacturing technologies for clean production by manufacturing SMEs I4MS funding IT introduction in SMEs CNECT Access Center initiatives like ACTPHAST (Photonics) addressing specific technology areas
Future perspectives – how to.. create a European Upscaling and Innovation Ecosystem, networking KET providers and users! Be attractive to SMEs, regionally visible and accessible. addressing horizontal barriers ensure sustainability of the Ecosystems providing neutral advise on technology, finance, business.. strenghten EU, National and Regional initiatives NMBP-38: "Support for the enhancement of the impact of PILOT projects" 2018-20 Pilot and Upscaling Topics