EGI towards H2020 Feedback (from survey) Sergio Andreozzi
Link to survey (preview): Invitations sent: 134 Answers received: 53 (40%) 24 September 2013
24 September 2013
Why ‘poor’ or ‘unsatisfactory?’ I find it excellent because all the discussions are open to user community present there, and not only to the "head" of EGI. I would have said excellent if the meeting could have been more focused toward Horizon 2020. There was very little discussion about actual plans and project ideas. Well. I expected more interactive workshop with small groups with representatives of all stakeholders moderately organized with some specific theme. Instead there was a set of presentation where some problems were identified, set of presentation proposing some solution and some panel discussion where only few people can interact. Even if satisfactory, a different format with shorter "global" discussions, with additional time for parallel focused exchanges as well as some more extra free time for networking (even with some pre-organized face to face sessions) might have been an ideal complement. Congratulations for the work. The scope of the meeting is slightly different of the what I expected based on the description of it. More advances in the EGI-II (objectives, profile of the project, call where we intend to target, funding scheme, partners, etc). Insufficient time devoted to strategic future. Meeting too large with too many uninvolved participants. Too much time wasted on providing background on what PRACE, MAPPER, etc are; for some presentations, last 5 slides were the core ones; more links to H2020 needed 24 September 2013
24 September 2013
Comments (1/2) Market analysis to identify other areas of exploitation for e-Infras (e.g., eGov, eHealth, eLearning) Cloud: first build stable service provision and support to gain trust with current large communities, then search expand on long tale What is the future of current HTC? Fear of this being abandoned for cloud after users have built their own services -> reassure that HTC will stay as platform Future is data, EGI should focus as much as possible towards this direction Competence Centers as defined in H2020 do not include distributed computing. Essential to find a place to fund collaborations among users, share experience, reduce digital divide towards implementing the eScience era. This should cover applications, technology, security, etc Need to better clarify what does it mean charging users; if a user group obtain a grant for a research, then this should mean charging directly the funding agency; funding ‘infrastructure’ can produce credits that can be transferred to “researchers”; funding researchers can produce a credit that can be transferred to “infrastructures” 24 September 2013
Comments (2/2) EGI should evolve to a market of knowledge and competence where different groups of specialists in certain domains can offer their service (engineering or scientific research) to the enterprise sector or government. The technology of uniting the resources should follow this process of evolution Charging to users is not going to work, maybe users should be given credits to spend on infrastructures Develop standard-based interfaces hiding the complexity of integrated e-infrastructures Feeling that user communities are being abandoned and focus mainly on “iron”, user forum seems secondary Would like to see a mapping of EGI objectives into H2020 24 September 2013
Other topics to address Long-term education skills: researchers in H2020 will be those in primary/secondary school today Training is essential for increasing user base User-oriented innovation Loss of user communities if compared to EGEE-III, many moved at national level, no much support from EGI eHealth Sustainability of operational tools overlooked (e.g., GOCDB, BDII, OpsPortal, GGUS) EGI as the place for innovation within Cloud and Grid Find solution for SMEs real involvement as end-users (of both Grid and HPC) What is expected by EGI from international partners? (non EU residents) Define what services will not be continued Support the future “ware” initiatives Big data as a topic of international interest (US, Asia) 2 years plan to generate income and keep NGI onboard 24 September 2013
24 September 2013
Other tagline suggestions Connecting Science Scheduled. Running. Done (success). Federate excellent science Computing for future Enabling Global Ideas Powering Research, Increasing Output e-Sustainable Science & Innovation Integrated resources for science Powering research together Barriers ? What barriers ? Supporting scientists, overcoming science barriers Enabling Europe Leading Research United effort to power excellent science Computational power supply The Backbone of the Giant 24 September 2013
“Powering research” has more than 30% combining the different flavors The Communication Team is concerned with the fact that “powering” reminds “power grids” and may not help clarifying that it is not about electricity 25% proposed alternatives We may need to continue our search 24 September 2013