INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS (type – refugee settlements) REASON they come as a consequence of forced migrations of the population in the war and post-war period in Bosnia and Herzegovina, when a dire need arises for the resolution of housing issues through transformation of agriculture to construction land, most often without plans or by disrupting the existing plans 1990 - 2000 SOLUTION (?) TIME PERIOD
Analysis of the current situation in the subject settlements 1 Analysis of the current situation in the subject settlements 1.0 Location of the area in the urban environment 2.0 Valorization of natural and environmental conditions 3.0 Physical planning documents 4 .0 Ownership structure of the land and objects 5.0 Purpose and physical structure of the objects 6.0 Infrastructure equipping 7.0 Sociological aspect 8.0 Economical aspect 9.0 Environmental aspect 10.0 Hygiene aspect 11.0 Recommendations
3.0 PHYSICAL PLANNING DOCUMENTS – N/A Initiator: - Non-governmental organization “Dom za sve ljude” Plotting – on the basis of a sketch!!! (assigning of plots by the executive board of the Municipality, and after annulment of the same, the plots are allocated by the President of the Municipality)
5.0 PURPOSE AND PHYSICAL STRUCTURE OF THE OBJECTS PURPOSE - housing objects - business activities in auxiliary temporary objects - other functions - none!!! PHYSICAL STRUCTURE - housing object - (2 housing units) - floors; ground floor and attic
6.0 INFRASTRUCTURE EQUIPPING Equipped Not-equipped water-supply (?) power supply streets sewage system (completed project) telephone
7.0 SOCIOLOGICAL ASPECT Uneducated population 20.6% Primary education 24.4% Secondary education 41.3% Higher vocational education 10.3% Higher education 3.4% Able to work (18-60 years) Employed 20.6% Unemployed 42.2% Unable to work (60 years ) With income 17.2% Without income 20.0%
9.0 ENVIRONMENTAL AND HYGIENE ASPECT 8.0 ECONOMIC ASPECTS FOUNDATIONS EXCAVATION 15.3m3 x 10E 153.00E UNDERGROUND 15.3m3 x 75E 1147.50E ABOVE GROUND 5.1m3 X125e 637.50E LOWER PLATE 4.8m3 X100e 480.00E HYDRO-INSULATION 48 x 5E 240.00E MASONRY 42.5x 60E 2550.00E ASSEMBLAGE 48x 2x25E 2400.00E VERT. STRAPPING 1.5 X125e 187.50E WOODEN CONSTR. 80x 20E 160.00E COVER 80x15E 1200.00E TOTAL 9155.50E 9.0 ENVIRONMENTAL AND HYGIENE ASPECT
11.1 LEGALIZATION OF THE OBJECTS IN QUESTION 11.0 RECCOMENDATIONS FOR OVERCOMING THE NEGATIVE SPATIAL EFFECTS CREATED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS (Example: Decision for legalization of informal settlements in the area of the City of Banjaluka) 11.1 LEGALIZATION OF THE OBJECTS IN QUESTION subsequent issuing of decisions for urbanism compliance; subsequent issuing of construction permits, i.e. temporary holding of buildings without urbanism compliance decisions, in accordance with Law on Spatial Planning (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Srpska”, No: 84/02 – refined text, 14/03, 112/06 and 53/07). 11.2 OBSTACLES a large number of illegal objects (10,000-20,000 in the City of Banjaluka) the Decision cannot be implemented due to a lack of updated aerial photo-grammetric images inexistence of physical planning documents
INTEGRATION OF THE INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS IN THE CITY STRUCTURE 11.0 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR OVERCOMING THE NEGATIVE SPATIAL EFFECTS CREATED WITH THE CONSTRUCTION OF INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS 11.3 FUNDS development of aerial photo-grammetric image (Republic of Srpska completely measured in 2004, mapping is required) providing of budget planned funds for integration of informal settlements (drafting of planning documents; construction of necessary infrastructure) facilitation of legalization conditions - reduced cost of planning and one-time rent - simplified technical documents limitation of time period for submitting applications (City of Banjaluka-6 months) 11.4 GOALS INTEGRATION OF THE INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS IN THE CITY STRUCTURE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY HUMAN ORIENTED SETTLEMENTS (CITIES)