ePortfolio for continuing professional development
Learning and continuing professional development CPD is an organic approach to learning: Looking for naturally occurring learning opportunities producing valuable outputs Using naturally occurring assessment opportunities encouraging feedback from others encouraging reflective thinking on one’s own activity Allows individuals to see the standard of performance required of them CPD can make the best use of technology Electronic portfolio: a tool for assessment, but also knowledge management Learning communities: a network of peers and mentors CPD is the way we learn in a knowledge society
Continuing Professional Development From diagnosis to assessment I consult a statement of competencies for my professional sector I carry out an analysis of where I am now and where I want to go I link the contents ot the competency statement to evidence of my professional activity I produce a reflective statement in which I describe what I have learned and how this has had an impact on my organsation/ environment I ask for feedback from my colleagues and peers. I obtain a validation of my CPD to maintain/advance my status in my professional body
New roles for teachers and trainers Accent on facilitation rather than on knowledge transfer Organise and manage knowledge ‘Animate’ learning communities Facilitate open and distance learning activities Participate in learning communities in own domain of expertise Select learning resources and environments Design learning resources?
Development and recognition of competencies: the EIfEL competency framework A set of European standards of competence for « learning in a knowledge economy » Developed with cross-sectoral European partners For the development and recognition of the competencies of those involved in education, training and human resource management Part of the framework accepted as the base for the eTTNet competency framework for teachers/trainers
Key competencies Preparing the learning event Running the learning event Supporting learners Assessing learner progress Contributing to the learning organisation Managing own professional development Communicating Managing the learning environment Promoting accessibility for learners Evaluating learning programmes
Learners Mastery of information competencies (« information literacy ») Choose and access an information source Formulate a request Extract relevant information Combine new information with that already acquired Communicate the information to others Co-produce information, learn with others Autonomy: manage own learning and CPD Work in a team (virtual): learn and share knowledge
Evidence collection for evaluation of T/T competencies Suggested sources of evidence: Products Process Suggested types of evidence: Research and continuing professional development activities Teamwork activities: co-operation with colleagues, other departments etc. Design of learning programmes Delivery plan Monitoring and evaluation instruments Feedback: learners, colleagues, line managers Reflective analysis
The Royal College of Nursing’s CPD ePortfolio for nurses CPD and lifelong learning offer: Aspiration - potential for enrichment of our lives through learning Actuality - required for survival in an ever-changing society Empowerment - potential to provide opportunity and access to social systems Equitable service delivery to 360,000 nurses across UK and overseas Promotion of recruitment and retention of nurses Diversity of need and circumstances Professional requirement to provide portfolio of evidence of CPD activity
RCN’s ePortfolio Uses minimal storage space as material is stored digitally Provides templates for gathering evidence Links to learning areas which aid development of portfolios Allows action plans to be generated to focus on further development needs Easily updateable & can be changed whenever and wherever required Accessible can be opened wherever is web access Increases technology skills in using and developing the site Easily communicated i.e. selected material can be saved to disc or e-mailed directly to a reviewer Automatically generates a curriculum vitae Provides individual calendar to publicise learning events
RCN’s ePortfolio Uses minimal storage space as material is stored digitally Provides templates for gathering evidence Links to learning areas which aid development of portfolios Allows action plans to be generated to focus on further development needs Easily updateable & can be changed whenever and wherever required Accessible can be opened wherever is web access Increases technology skills in using and developing the site Easily communicated i.e. selected material can be saved to disc or e-mailed directly to a reviewer Automatically generates a curriculum vitae Provides individual calendar to publicise learning events
women@ thecuttingedge Links issues of technology, gender and professional development. Education Learning through technology Celebrating achievements Reflecting on process and product Enhancing self-esteem Sharing with others
Human Capital Accounting and ePortfolio method of systematically identifying, measuring and presenting information about the human resources and human capital of an organization (OECD) Or of individuals and/or groups (FuturEd) And communities / regions (EIfEL) Individuals Develop and maintain ePortfolio Take control of career Develop efficient learning plans Employers Complete inventory of workforce skills More efficient description of work required Pay for skills used not for time spent Manage and target learning Society at large Accurate inventory and skills gap analysis Promotion of lifelong learning Avoid pitfalls of credentials