Comhdháil Thurasóireachta Náisiúnta National Tourism Conference
Údarás na Gaeltachta’s Role The Regional Development Authority for the Gaeltacht Support Employment Creation Preserve Gaeltacht Population Preserve Irish Speaking Community Overall objective - ensure that Irish remains the main communal language of the Gaeltacht and is passed on to future generations, by funding and fostering a wide range of enterprise development and job creation initiatives and by supporting strategic language, cultural and community based activities.
Employment in the Gaeltacht Circa 7,300 people employed in client companies 25% of Gaeltacht work force employed in Údarás client companies
The Vision To develop the Gaeltacht as an internationally recognised destination that celebrates its unique language, culture, landscape and heritage.
How do we do this? Ealaín na Gaeltachta With the private sector 30 local community groups/co-operatives across the Gaeltacht Developing local attractions – walking, greenways Festivals Local marketing Ealaín na Gaeltachta Tourism Networks
25% of the Wild Atlantic Way is in the Gaeltacht
Objectives Use our rich language, heritage, environment and culture to develop tourism products and services, generating economic value and employment for local communities. Taking a central role in supporting Strategic Projects to attract private and public investment, projects that will provide a basis to attract more products/services and visitors. Continue to provide a range of supports to assisting in product/services development and to take an enhanced marketing role for the Gaeltacht Tourism Offering Develop a Gaeltacht Brand that resonates locally, nationally and internationally.
What’s Our Offer? The Language An Ghaeilge The natural environment, heritage and archaeology Music, Literature & Craft Educational tourism and The tradition of learning Food, Drinks and our Strong local flavours Entertainment & Health, sporting festivals, Greenways, Green/Eco tourism Marine Culture and developing Blueways The Island Experience Unique Characteristics of the Gaeltacht Community Celebrate the lanauge – filleadh chuig an Ghaeltacht, mná tí, ceapairí Spam, an Ceilí 8
What do we need to do? Build and exploit the great work done by Fáilte Éireann. Target the Great Escapers & Culturally Curious. Promote what is there already Encourage new businesses & offerings based on Cultural Tourism. Cultural Identity; Promote the Irish Language as a USP It adds value at no cost and cannot be replicated outside the Gaeltacht Work with local Businesses & Communities Share knowledge and resources with Local Authorities & Fáilte Ireland & other state bodies
Tiers of local development Dr. Edward McKeever Level 5 Social business scalability and jobs Level 4 ‘Umbrella marketing mechanisms’ Level 3 Products Services Level 2 Infrastructure Events Environment Level 1 Sport Community Leisure Health Private Businesses Community Organisations Community entrepreneurship program Skilled residents Council officers
The Challenges Lack of Brand awareness… What is the Gaeltacht? Who knows about it? Who cares? Not enough to do? (well there actually is but no one knows.. Not even the locals!) Lack of co-operation/co-opitition in some regions Lack of wet weather options – though rain should be celebrated!
How will we achieve our objectives? Strategic projects spanning the Gaeltacht An Overarching Brand. A Central Website that will share information. Experience Development workshops. Optimise existing and develop new tourist networks. Work with the industry – teach them how to develop and promote their cultural offering –equip them. Co-operation – community, enterprise & other agencies/authorities
Networks Motivate and Network with tourism providers & the community to increase the number of tourist attractions across the Gaeltacht... and then sell them.
Branda Gaeltachta Ireland’s Gaeltacht na hÉireann
Sustainability Much of what’s we’re proposing is naturally aligned with the Sustainability Agenda but what else should we be doing and saying? So what have our Objectives got to do with Sustainability? An Ghaeilge - protect it while sharing. Strategic Projects – impact on the environment Outdoor activity – central to what we’ve to offer, how do we manage this respectfully? Local food – food miles, how is it processed, impact on environment. It must be on the agenda and everyone should be invited to learn. We must pool our resources and share our knowledge
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