? Christian Practices…
Christian Practices… Worship Sacraments Prayer The role and importance of pilgrimage and celebrations The role of the Church in the local community and living practices. Mission The role of the Church in the wider world. Christian Practices…
Christian Practices: Key words ? Christian Practices: Key words
How do Christians worship? I can describe what is meant by worship and its importance to Christians. I can explain what is meant by worship and its importance to Christians. I can consider different types of worship and evaluate the importance of worship to Christians. Can you name 5 things that people worship?
What is worship?
Predict the meaning…? Worship: Liturgical worship: Non-liturgical worship: Informal worship: Private worship: Eucharist: Mass:
Worship: acts of religious praise, honour or devotion Liturgical worship: A church service that follows a set structure or ritual Non-liturgical worship: a service that does not follow a set text or ritual Informal worship: a type on non-liturgical worship, sometimes ‘spontaneous’ or ‘charismatic’ in nature Private worship: when a believer praises or honours God on their own Eucharist: the Christian service/ceremony which recalls the Last Supper, in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed Mass: another name for the Eucharist (used by Roman Catholics)
What are the key features of these forms of worship? Liturgical worship Non-liturgical worship Informal worship Private worship Challenge: Explain the differences between these types of worship. Use comparison words like: however, whereas, but, and so on.
What are the key features of these forms of worship? Liturgical worship Non-liturgical worship Informal worship In your groups, using the information provided, summarise the key features of each form of worship in 4 bullet points. Add charismatic worship Private worship Challenge: Explain the differences between these types of worship. Use comparison words like: however, whereas, but, and so on.
Liturgical Worship This type of worship is found in services in the Roman Catholic, Anglican and Orthodox churches. Some acts of worship require a liturgy (a set order or pattern), eg Roman Catholic Mass. Features of liturgical worship are: a set structure to the service, the use of set prayers and readings, singing of hymns. The priest may perform symbolic actions which have specific meaning. Some Christians see it as ‘old-fashioned’ or ‘very traditional’. The service follows the text of a prayer book and is not improvised at all. Liturgical worship often takes place in a church, but not always, for example, a papal open-air Mass or an Anglican Eucharist in the home of a sick person. Some Christians prefer liturgical worship: the familiarity of the service makes them feel secure and they can join in with ease. They know exactly what to expect even in a church where they have never been before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPjTfw4a2ZE
Non-Liturgical Worship Other Christians prefer a more informal style of worship. They think that liturgical acts of worship stifle genuine worship. Non-liturgical worship is typical of some non-conformist churches and tends to be Bible based. If often follows a structure (hymn, prayer, reading, hymn, sermon, prayer, hymn) but the service leader has free choice within that structure. They may chose a relevant theme for events in the world or community. The minister will choose Bible teachings to base the sermon on. Prayer is usually in the person’s own words and personal style, known as extemporary prayer.
Informal Worship Informal worship may depend on people’s spontaneous prayers or sharing of thoughts. Quaker worship is mainly silent, and people speak when they feel God’s spirit moving them to offer thoughts, prayers or a reading. Community or house churches meet to eat together and share their faith to recreate what they believe to be the worship of the early Church. Charismatic worship is a form of informal worship. The service has characteristics of other forms of worship, but is free-flowing. In charismatic worship (that is ‘led by the Spirit’), the worshippers often speak in tongues (words which are not intelligible but express a person’s devotion to God). This is seen as a gift of the Holy Spirit. Singing, often accompanied by music, clapping and dancing, has a more relaxed feel to it and such worshippers believe it comes from the heart. This style is popular with Pentecostal and Evangelical churches which have become more popular in Britain. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJ_ccyl4CAI
Private Worship Private worship allows individuals to spend time with God, alone. It may involve prayer, meditation, studying a passage from the Bible, or using aids to worship such as an icon or a rosary – a string of beads with a crucifix attached which is used by Roman Catholics. Saying the Rosary involves running ones hands through the set of beads and saying certain prayers (the Lord’s Prayer, the Hail Mary, and the ‘Glory be to the father …’) while touching each bead. Meditation is thoughtfulness, focused on a religious truth. Christians might use a stimulus, such as a lighted candle, a religious picture or a beautiful scene from nature. Others may read a Bible passage and meditate on its message.
Charismatic Worship
Can you think of any of your own points? What are the characteristics of worship and why are they important for Christians? Cut and paste the information from your sheet, under the correct headings, to answer the question above. Can you think of any of your own points? Characteristics of liturgical worship, and why they are important for Christians Characteristics of non-liturgical and informal worship, and why they are important for Christians The service may have an emotional impact, with a feeling of personal revelation from God. The people receive forgiveness from God through the action of the priest The ritual has been passed down through generations, giving a sense of tradition. The style of worship follows that of some early Christians who met to hear about Jesus in the joy of the Spirit after Pentecost. People can take an active part in church by praying aloud or speaking without formal training. There is a worldwide set order of service that is familiar, even to visitors, The people receive the living presence of Jesus in the Holy Communion. Faith is expressed in a variety of ways. Holy communion, for example, may be celebrated in different ways. Christians share personal interpretations of the Bible. Often, readings follow the Christian calendar. Bible readings follow the Christian calendar and teach Christian history and faith across the Old and new Testament and Paul’s letters.
Reflect and Evaluate… 1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each form of worship? 2. Why is it important for Christians to be able to worship privately? 3. ‘It does not matter how worship is done’. How might a Christian respond to this statement? Explain reasons to agree and disagree.
‘Private worship is more important than group worship’. Do you agree or disagree?
The people receive the living presence of Jesus in the Holy Communion. Characteristics of liturgical worship, and why they are important for Christians Characteristics of non-liturgical and informal worship, and why they are important for Christians The people receive forgiveness from God through the action of the priest The service may have an emotional impact, with a feeling of personal revelation from God. There is a worldwide set order of service that is familiar, even to visitors, The style of worship follows that of some early Christians who met to hear about Jesus in the joy of the Spirit after Pentecost. People can take an active part in church by praying aloud or speaking without formal training. The ritual has been passed down through generations, giving a sense of tradition. Bible readings follow the Christian calendar and teach Christian history and faith across the Old and new Testament and Paul’s letters. Faith is expressed in a variety of ways. Holy communion, for example, may be celebrated in different ways. Christians share personal interpretations of the Bible. Often, readings follow the Christian calendar. The people receive the living presence of Jesus in the Holy Communion.