Veritas End-of-Life (EOL) Policy Quick Reference Guide
EOL Policy Changes at a Glance End-Of-Life Policy – What Are We Changing EOL Policy Changes at a Glance Current Policy New Policy One EOL timeline for all products Customized EOL timelines to match each product lifecycle Undefined duration of Standard Support period Guaranteed duration of Standard Support period starting from each product’s EOLB (End-of-Life Begin) date Two years of Extended Support for a subset of products Customized Extended Technical Support period for all products EOL Begin date defined by General Availability (GA) date of next major release EOL Begin date defined by GA date of next selected release (defined for each product line) Products categorized as Software and Appliances Products categorized as: Software (Enterprise and Commercial), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), and Appliances Support wind-down periods during EOL process: Standard Support, Limited Support, Partial Support Support wind-down periods during EOL process: Standard Support, Extended Technical Support (optional; addt’l fee) Veritas EOL Policy November 2016
Standard Support phase (Optional for an additional fee) End-Of-Life Policy Timeline EOL Begin (EOLB) End of Standard Support (EOSS) End of Support Life (EOSL) EOL Notification End of Sale (EOS) See Product EOL Table EOLB - 30 days GA of next release* EOLB + 90 days** Customized Date Based on Product Lifecycle Customized Date Based on Product Lifecycle Standard Support phase Extended Technical Support Phase (Optional for an additional fee) *Release type is defined in the policy by product **For InfoScale/Storage Foundation EOS is the same date as EOSS Veritas EOL Policy November 2016
End-Of-Life Policy Summary Summary Narrative Executive Summary The new Veritas EOL policy provides a product specific lifecycle tailored to the way our customers deploy our products. The new policy is aligned to how Veritas products are refreshed so that the customer receives the maximum benefit of Veritas support without the need to raise support exception requests. The new Veritas EOL Policy offers many advantages to our customers over the previous Symantec EOL Policy, including: •Simplified end of life milestones •Simplified support periods during the EOL process •Guaranteed Standard support* phase, minimizing the frequency of support exceptions Customer Benefits Support life is tailored to how customers use and deploy a particular product Aligns with how the product is refreshed and released to the market Provides a consistent and guaranteed duration of Standard support and some durations are longer. Consistency helps customers understand the new EOL policy, defined EOL dates, and the available support options. Duration can be extended if a subsequent release is delayed because the current release will remain in the Standard support phase until its EOL is triggered by the subsequent release.** Provides overall simplification and industry alignment Reduces support wind-down periods from four to two and aligns with common EOL practices for enterprise software companies. The majority of Veritas products now have the option to purchase Extended Technical Support (ETS) With an active support contract for the product, version upgrades are available at no extra cost. Migrating to the latest supported release can be deferred in one year increments beyond the End of Standard Support (EOSS).*** Reduces the need to raise policy exception requests. The “End of life begin” (EOLB) date is based on the General availability (GA) date of the subsequent release**, making the Standard Support period predictable and facilitating planning. *Standard support phase of the maintenance offerings purchased with the product ** The subsequent release is product specific and corresponds to either a “dot-zero” release or “single-dot” release which is selected based on the release naming conventions for that product ***For products that have integration with third party components which rely on an underlying operating system integration, we will adjust the End Of Support Life (EOSL) to complement the end of support life for that third party component Veritas EOL Policy November 2016
End-Of-Life Policy Table Product Family Product Listing Maximum number of concurrent Releases eligible for Standard Support Major Release Type Maximum Standard Support period following EOLB Typical Minimum Extended Technical Support period (if offered) Enterprise Software Products EOL Policy Business Continuity Resiliency Platform, Risk Advisor, ApplicationHA, Disaster Recovery Orchestrator, HPE Helion and Veritas Continuity (HPEHVC)1 2 Dot-Zero Release (e.g., 15.0) 1 year 2 years Enterprise Backup and Recovery NetBackup and Desktop & Laptop Option (DLO) 3 Single-Dot Release (e.g., 7.7) 30 months Information Governance Data Insight, Enterprise Vault, eDiscovery Dot-Zero Release InfoScale/Storage Foundation InfoScale Enterprise, InfoScale Storage, InfoScale Availability, InfoScale Foundation, Storage Foundation, Storage Foundation HA, Veritas Cluster Server (VCS), Veritas Volume Replicator (VVR), Global Cluster Option (GCO), Storage Foundation Cluster File System (SFCFS), Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC (SFRAC), and Dynamic Multipathing (DMP), Access 5 years Standard Support for any Release Not to exceed the end of support date published by the underlying OS/architecture vendor for the specific OS version Commercial Commercial Products Backup Exec and System Recovery Software as a Service (SaaS) Offerings EOL Policy SaaS Offerings Enterprise, AdvisorMail, Information Map, Velocity Full support as detailed in the relevant SaaS Service Description until SaaS offering is terminated Maximum Standard Support period Typical Maximum Extended Standard Support period (if offered) Hardware Appliances Products EOL Policy Appliances All NetBackup appliance models Individual appliance's ship date + 5 years May be available until 5 years after the EOL Begin date of the Appliance Model 1HPE Helion and Veritas Continuity (HPEHVC) aligns with the Business Continuity product family but is a managed service offering that, as such, may have some deviations from this policy. Please consult the HPEHVC service description for more information. Veritas EOL Policy October 2016