Bretagne Ar Mor Land of the sea
Structure General facts The relief The flag “Gwenn ha Du“ Traditions and traditional costumes Typical breton
General facts Map of the Bretagne [1] peninsula in the northwest of France size: 27 184 km² 1100 km long coastline divide in the Départements Côtes D`Armor, Finistère, Ille-et-Vilaine and Morbihan population: 3.120.288 inhabitants in the Basse-(lower)Bretagne live long-established inhabitants -> with Celtic roots -> speak brezoneg in the Haute-(upper)Bretagne -> people speak French Map of the Bretagne [1]
Relief part of the Armorica mountain range rugged coastline especially in the west: cliff coast otherwise-> hilly Highest point: Roc'h Trévézel (384 m) cliff coast at Kap Frehel
“Gwenn ha Du“ [2]
Traditional costumes[3] official: French traditionally: “brezonegh“ old Gallic language with Celtic roots related to the Welch language in Wales, the Cornish and the Gaelic in Scotland and Ireland today: only every 5. Breton speaks it to remember the people on the language: Can be learned as foreign language in school since 1977 Breton names on street signs Used in pop and folk music
Typical breton Dolmen in Morhiban [5] Field with 1000 menhires next to Carnac [4] barrow = Hügelgrab
Castle in Fougères[6] Fort de la Latte St. Malo Château la Roche-Jagu
Typical stone houses Church in Louannec
sources Content: Bretagne- Marco Polo Reiseführer HB Bildatlas Bretagne Pictures: Own pictures [1] karte.gif [2] [3] [4] [5] de-mein-goarec-a.jpg [6]