Credit Recovery– French 1 If you have worksheets that you forgot to turn in – you can turn them in now for a 70. If you have zeros for current events – complete a new current event to replace the 0 with a 70. Otherwise, for zeros in the different units – complete the assignments on the second slide to replace zeros in any given chapter with 70’s. If you have a quiz/test zero – we will have make ups for those on Monday 12/12 during class.
Make up work for French 1 If you have zeros for the Geography Unit: 1. Write a paragraph on what a francophone country is. How and why they came to be. Indicate which continents contain francophone countries and give examples of those countries with capital cities and currencies. If you have zeros for chapter 1: Read a letter from a French student. Answer some questions about the letter. Then write a response, using a set of prompts to guide you. If you have zeros for chapter 2: 1. Create a written conversation between two students. Talk about: The subjects you like best and your opinion of them. The subjects you don’t like and your opinion of them. Whether or not you agree with your classmates likes/dislikes. 2. Create your ideal schedule. Include subjects, days, times all in French If you have zeros for chapter 3: 1. Create a store ad. Include school supplies and additional items like – computer/sneakers etc… Include a price, color – making sure it agrees with the noun, and use un/une/des as appropriate. Write the prices out in words for the numbers.