Numbers and colors Mark in Green for Vocab
Bellwork – 8 de agosto Please write the following in Spanish. You have four dogs. Walter and Martha are sad. My math class is ______ & ________. (choose adjectives) Where are you? Tanner is smart.
Numbers - video Take notes on the video
Numbers 100 - 1000 Cien 100 Doscientos 200 Trescientos 300 Cuatrocientos 400 Quinientos 500 Seiscientos 600 Setecientos 700 Ochocientos 800 Novecientos 900 Mil 1000
colors Blanco/a (white) Negro/a (black) Gris (gray) Rojo/a (red) Amarillo/a (yellow) Azul (blue) Verde (green) Morado/a (purple) Rosado/a (pink) Anaranjado(a)/naranja (orange) Café/marrón (brown)
homework Worksheet on Numbers and Colors is homework if it was not completed in class.