THE DOT INDUSTRY SKILLS PROGRAM For this program that will run for two years, the DOT will now be in-charge in the implementation of the program and will cover the whole Philippines in granting various human capability building trainings for the tourism industry stakeholders.
2017 PROGRAM TARGET PhP 100 Million P 85 M for trainings P 15 M support activities 16,000 persons trained 45% female
TECHNICAL CRITERIA 1. Training programs are based on: Regional Training Needs Assessment (Market driven) NTDP Priority niche products Hard to fill occupations Sustainability / green initiatives Special arrangement for Niche Activities such as Farm Tourism Faith Tourism Fit Tourism Family Tourism Fun tourism
TECHNICAL CRITERIA Special arrangement for Skills Gaps identified by the HRD Plan: Foreign Languages Transportation training Homestay Special arrangement for entities offering “green” initiatives Green Hotel (MSME) Green Jobs
Community Based Organizations and NGOs
TECHNICAL CRITERIA 2. For Community Based Organizations and NGOs: Focus: skills to improve service levels, standard & management Accommodation standards and maintenance Food preparation and food hygiene and safety Customer service Language training Tour provision and standards (including cultural and natural tours and those linked to other commercial providers) Community collaboration to develop and implement packaged cultural and local natural tour experiences Handling bookings, including specific on-line promotion, booking and payment systems (E-marketing)
TECHNICAL CRITERIA 2. For Community Based Organizations and NGOs: Focus: skills to improve service levels, standard & management Ecotourism/ Adventure Tourism product development and enhancement Cultural Tourism product development and enhancement Hilot Training Retail Innovation Training Financial management will be required Branding/ Tourism Marketing Other training topics may be considered for funding assistance if a good sound rationale is presented to justify the Application.
Tourism Entities
TECHNICAL CRITERIA 2. For Tourism Entities: Focus: Reducing skills gaps • Front office/reception (ACCSTP) • Reservations • Housekeeping (ACCSTP) • Marketing and Sales (eMarketing) • Food production and safety (ACCSTP) • Food and beverage (ACCSTP) • Service/restaurant management standards and quality • Spa service standards • Management and customer service by travel agents • Tour organization and management
TECHNICAL CRITERIA 2. For Tourism Entities: Focus: Reducing skills gaps • Hotel engineers and maintenance programs • Financial management • Supervisory management and team building • Events planning • IT computing • Language competency • Customer care (meet and greet) • Maintaining and improving DOT accreditation Other training topics may be considered for funding assistance if a good sound rationale is presented to justify the Application.
TECHNICAL CRITERIA 4. It is compulsory to use ASEAN Common Competency Standards for Tourism Professionals (ACCSTP) conducted by an ASEAN Certified ASEAN/ National Master Trainer. Housekeeping F&B Services Front Office Food Production
TECHNICAL CRITERIA 5. For areas with more developed established enterprises in the eight gateways identified in the NTDP, the priority will be upgrading skills. For areas with less developed enterprises/tourism activities, the priority will be given to improving basic skills of tourism workers.
Musts: TECHNICAL CRITERIA There should be at least 45% female participants FILIPINO’S FINEST FRONTLINERS TRAINING for all
OTHERS Training providers Must have related experience in the tourism industry practitioner/s or in related field Extensive experience in conduct of trainings Must be able to demonstrate practical /hand on modules of training Must be registered in the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PHILGEPS) Conducted similar trainings in the past Demonstrated experience in field of expertise Must have good communication skills and willing to share their expertise
OTHERS Regional Offices to invite applicants Proposed SOP for the program: Regional Offices to invite applicants Applicants will submit training needs proposal Regional Offices to conduct due diligence Regional Offices to submit list of commendable applicants The National Tourism Skills Committee to review and approve applications Once approved, the DOT-OIMD will process pertinent documents in cooperation with the DOT-Finance Team and DOT-Legal to transfer funds to concerned Regional Offices
OTHERS Proposed SOP for the program: Regional Offices will conduct bidding and procure training services Training providers/ grantees to conduct the training Regional Offices and Central Office to conduct monitoring Regional Offices ensures terminal reports and liquidation are submitted
Can application workshops be conducted? OTHERS Can application workshops be conducted? The regional offices will conduct the workshops with support from DOT Central office management team
OTHERS PRE-BID CONFERENCE A pre-bid conference can be conducted to invite possible training providers