Wellcome Funding Opportunities CATO Masterclass: Developing Research Careers beyond PhD 15 March 2017
Wellcome exists to improve health for everyone by helping great ideas to thrive. We’re a global charitable foundation, both politically and financially independent. We support scientists and researchers, take on big problems, fuel imaginations and spark debate. Advancing ideas We support great ideas and inspired thinking Seizing opportunities We bring ideas together to make a difference Driving reform We change ways of working so more ideas can flourish
Research Careers Framework Taught Supervised Guided Independent Training: Specialist Masters programmes PhD fellowships & programmes Consolidation & exploration Independent Research Education Research Skills Training, Leadership Development and Mentoring
New Clinical Pathway Clinical Training Clinical Research Career Development Fellowship Stage 1 – Consolidation Stage 2 – Early independence Up to 8 years support in total. Clinical Training
PhD Programmes for Clinicians Postgraduate research training in a structured and mentored training environment 7 new Clinical PhD programmes announced this summer (total of 12) Programmes are based in centres of excellence throughout the UK and Ireland Replace Research Training Fellowships Research opportunities for clinicians from a range of specialties Each fellowship provides a clinical salary, PhD registration/college fees, research expenses and training costs Applications made to programmes directly UCL Imperial College PhD Programme Director: Gavin Screaton
Clinical Research Career Development Fellowships Medical, dental, veterinary and clinical psychology graduates. Continue research at postdoctoral level and develop scientific independence Clinically active Clear plan for completing clinical training Replacing previous schemes Postdoctoral Training Fellowship for MB/PhD Graduates. Early Postdoctoral Training Fellowship. Postdoctoral Research Training Fellowships for Clinicians. Intermediate Clinical Fellowships.
Duration of funding Up to 8 years, split over two stages. Up to 5 years in any one stage. What we offer Salary (can be consultant level). Research expenses. Equipment and maintenance. Staff (only for Stage 2).
Different Stages - CRCDFs Guided Early independence Stage 1 Consolidation of research skills Exploration of new research areas Finishing clinical training Stage 2 Independent Research SCF or Senior Clinical Lectureship ‘Gate’ Demonstrate skills to drive independent research programme and potential to be a leader in chosen field Achieved international standing in field and leading own programme
Tips on writing a good application – the concept of grantsmanship “Good writing will not save bad ideas, but bad writing can kill good ones.” (Kraicer)
Assessment Criteria Person The candidate’s track record The candidate’s vision of how the funding will contribute to their career development The candidate’s long-term aspirations Project The quality and importance of the research question The feasibility of the approach The appropriateness of the resources Place The candidate’s choice of research sponsors The quality and suitability of the research environment
Before starting your application… Read the application form and guidance notes carefully Think about the questions to address and who you may need to contact before you can answer some of them Identify colleagues who have previously been successful in obtaining grant support: Study their proposals, and use them as models Discuss ideas with colleagues in the relevant fields Check deadlines to avoid rushed applications & allow time for the application to be processed by the admin office Queries? Concerns? Contact the funder for advice
What makes a ‘Good Application’? A strong and original central hypothesis Evident knowledge of the area Consider what’s already known, address conflicting opinions, use appropriate citations and references Clear research plan Is the technical approach feasible? Is the timescale realistic? What are the potential pitfalls and your fall-back plans? For clinical research think about using the NIHR’s Research Design Service (RDS) Convincing preliminary data Not over- or under-ambitious
What makes a ‘Good Application’? Easy to understand and read Consider all readers: avoid jargon and abbreviations Check grammar and spelling Appropriate expertise Choose your sponsor and supervisor wisely Appropriate collaborators enlisted Appropriately costed. All resources should be scientifically justified Is the study adequately powered? Does the study offer value for money?
Avoid common mistakes Be realistic Be analytical and critical Is the timing right? Do not depend on your track record alone. Good researchers can (and do!) submit poor applications Is the right expertise enlisted? Give yourself time to write the application Will you enjoy the project? It’s important to have fun! Have you justified the budget? Proof read the application and ask others to read it critically before submission – you will need to give them plenty of time to do this well!
The Interview Practice makes perfect! Ensure you have mock interviews… Know your application backwards? How does it fit into the context of the current landscape? Smile, make eye contact! No trick questions! Listen carefully to the questions, and ensure you answer concisely Be prepared to defend, but know when to concede
Whatever happens.. You can expect clear and helpful feedback If successful you will receive the benefits of being a Wellcome-funded Fellow If you are unsuccessful then don’t give up. Tenacity important for a career in academic medicine! All senior individuals will have had grants turned down….
Further advice and information... www.wellcome.ac.uk James Harden Clinical Activities Manager j.harden@wellcome.ac.uk