CARICOM TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS (CTIS)PROJECT June-December 2016 Regional Training Workshop November 21 to 25, 2016 by Lucilla Lewis, Lead Consultant
1.Manufacturing Services on Physical Inputs Owned by Others. This is becoming increasingly prevalent with globalisation and increasing trend of outsourcing Includes: Processing, labeling, assembly, packing etc. UNDERTAKEN BY ENTERPRISES WHICH DO NOT OWN THE GOODS, SO ONLY THE SERVICE COMPONENT EQUIVALENT TO THE FEE CHARGED FOR THE SERVICE IS INCLUDED AND NOT THE VALUE OF THE MERCHANDISE. E.g. assembly of clothing and electronic parts, oil refining and liquefaction of natural gas.
2. Maintenance and Repair Services Includes on the credit side maintenance and repair services work done by residents on goods owned by nonresidents and on the debit side work done by non-residents on goods owned by residents e.g. Ships, aircrafts and other transport equipment. Cleaning of transport equipment, and maintenance of computers are not included here.
3. Transport International carriage of people and objects from one place to another. The sub classification of transport is based on mode of transport and on what is being carried, or kind of service, as follows: Mode Sea Air Space Rail Road Internal waterway Pipeline Electricity transmission Other Other supporting and auxiliary transport services Postal and courier services Kind of service Passenger services Freight services Other services (includes postal and courier)
Transport cont’d Passenger services covers all services provided in the international transport of nonresidents by resident carriers and vice versa. It includes: -fares -fares that are a part of package tours -taxes levied on fares -personal effects carried and charges for excess baggage -items purchased on board -fees payable to travel agents -rental of transport equipment with crew for a limited period for carriage of passengers. NB: Cruise fares are included in travel and not included here
Transport cont’d Freight services First basic principle in line with BPM6:Very important and accounts for difference between trade balance in merchandise trade statistics and trade balance in BOP: - goods are valued f.o.b at the customs frontier of the exporting economy all freight costs up to the customs frontier of the economy of the exporter are shown as incurred by the exporter Freight costs beyond the customs frontier of the exporting economy are shown as incurred by the importer Residence of freight operator will determine if there is an import or export of freight services
Country Practices in converting imports c. i. f to c Country Practices in converting imports c.i.f to c. (that is estimation of sea freight and freight insurance) Country Method Comments Belize Ratio pro rating Ratio provided by customs Dominica Based on a survey conducted for the OECS countries over 15 years ago Jamaica Actual data Provided by customs department St Kitts and Nevis St Lucia St Vincent and the Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago Turns out to be less than 1% of the c.i.f value of imports
Country Practices in converting imports c. i. f to f. o Country Practices in converting imports c.i.f to f.o.b (that is estimation of sea freight and freight insurance) Country Method Comments Anguilla Ratio pro rating Based on a survey conducted for the OECS countries over 15 years ago Antigua and Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Grenada Guyana Montserrat Suriname
Transport cont’d Other supporting and auxiliary transport services: refers to freight services which are not directly related to transport of goods (sea) or people (air). E.g. cargo handling, storage and warehousing, towing, pilotage, navigational aids, salvage operations, agents fees, freight forwarding, cleaning of transport equipment.??? -services that relate to more than one mode of transport that cannot be allocated to an individual mode ???
Transport cont’d Postal and courier services Covers Post office services such as post box rental, sale of stamps, etc. Especially inflows and outflows for international postal agreements pick up, transport and delivery of letters, newspapers, periodicals, other printed materials, parcels and packages
4. Travel NB: unlike the other entries in EBOPS travel is a transactor -based component. It is a range of goods and services consumed by non-residents in the economy that they visit. It covers stays of any length providing that there is no change of residence- holiday makers, seasonal workers and other business visitors, short and long-term students, patients. (visitor is less than a year) Travel includes: Goods and services purchased by travelers (leisure, education, health) by another party on their behalf e.g. by employer (conference, training), Govt. (business or education) development bank, household survey, insurance company and Min of Health (health), students, transportation services within the economy visited, postal, telecom and other services consumed while in the economy visited.
Travel cont’d Excluded are: Cost of international passenger fares Acquisition of valuables such as jewelry and expensive art??? Consumer durables such as cars and electronic goods Other consumer purchases for own use which are in excess of customs threshold Acquisition of goods and services by diplomats, consular staff and military personnel in the economy in which they are posted
Travel cont’d Differences between MSITS and the International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics (IRTS)2008 as well as in the Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework (RMF)2008 Travel in MSITS is related to tourism in International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics (IRTS) but there are differences as follows: Travel includes acquisition of goods and services by border and seasonal workers Travel includes acquisition by students and medical patients away from their country of residence for more than one year ALL OF THESE ARE EXCLUDED FROM TOURISM IN IRTS 2008
Estimation of tourist expenditure in system of tourism statistics (STS) Country Estimation Method for STS Adjustments for travel credit in the BOP Belize No adjustment Dominica Medical students included Jamaica No adjustments made St Kitts and Nevis St Lucia St Vincent and the Grenadines Trinidad and Tobago Adjustment made for education related tourism
Estimation of tourist expenditure in system of tourism statistics Country Estimation Method for STS Adjustments for BOP Dominica Grenada Antigua and Barbuda St Lucia Suriname Jamaica
5. Construction What should be covered? It should cover management of the construction project, renovation, building, extension of fixed assets in the form of buildings, land improvement of an engineering nature, and other construction such as roads, bridges, dams, installation and assembly work, site preparation, general and specialised construction services such as painting, plumbing and demolition
Construction cont’d The categories in EBOPS are: Construction in compiling economy Construction abroad Construction, as in the National Accounts, is valued on a gross basis- that is it includes the cost of all inputs (goods and services) and other costs of production and the operating surplus that accrues to the owners of the construction enterprise
Construction cont’d Construction in compiling economy (significant in most member states yet coverage remains weak especially on subcontracting (credit side) (Also significant through FATS and would not be included in EBOPS). Credits Goods and services acquired in the compiling economy by non resident construction enterprises (excluding compensation of employees) Debits Total cost of construction work done for residents of the compiling economy by non resident construction enterprises Examples: the various road and bridge construction projects
Construction cont’d Construction abroad Credit Construction work by resident construction enterprises for nonresidents Debit Goods and services acquired from residents in the host economy by construction enterprises of the compiling economy (excluding labor income). Examples ??
Construction cont’d Data sourcing approaches in the absence of survey data Make informed assumptions based on: -Discussions with business associations in the construction sector -Discussions with project officers in the public sector -Discussions with investor licensing and regulatory agencies -Discussions with FDIs Encourage formation of vibrant business associations in the sector Work through the Coalition of Services Industries and forge relationships with key players in the sector.
Construction cont’d Estimation challenges using tender documents and project milestones set -Compilation issues to be considered: -total project budget is not necessarily spent in one year -Payment of construction costs , which could be a proxy, is usually made in phases not necessarily time aligned with value of work done -existence of subcontracting arrangements Possibility of double counting
6. Insurance and Pension Services Disaggregation recommended in MSITS 2010: Direct insurance Life Freight Other direct – fire, motor, health, property, fire etc, Reinsurance Auxiliary insurance Pension and standardised guarantee services Pension services Standardised guarantee services
Insurance and pension funds Transaction components are: Service Investment income Transfers Investment
Insurance and pension funds Measurement of service components For direct insurance and reinsurance the value of the service is measured by the service charge included in premiums
Insurance: Summary Recommendation based on MSITS 2010 For exports of nonlife insurance services the service charge is estimated from the total nonlife insurance output by multiplying the gross premium earned from non residents by the ratio of service charge to gross premiums earned for all nonlife insurance operations MSITS recommends the same estimation formula for life, annuities and pension funds providing a stable relationship is observed to exist
Insurance Cont’d 6.1 Direct Insurance (estimated as service charge included in total premium) 6.1.1.Life Insurance 6.1.1a. Gross life insurance premiums receivable(CR) and payable (DR) 6.1.1b. Gross life insurance claims receivable (CR) and payable (DR)
Non-Life (estimated as a service charge in total premiums) 6. 1. 2 Non-Life (estimated as a service charge in total premiums) 6.1.2. Freight Insurance 6.1.2.a: Gross freight insurance receivable (CR) and payable (DR) 6.1.2.b: Gross freight insurance claims receivable (CR) and payable (DR) 6.1.3. Other Direct Insurance 6.1.3.a: Gross other direct insurance premiums receivable (CR) and payable (DR) 6.1.3.b: Gross other insurance claims receivable (CR) and payable (DR)
Insurance Cont’d 6.2 Reinsurance (estimated as service charge included in total premiums) For resident insurance companies: Premiums earned from abroad less claims payable plus premium supplements For non resident insurance companies Premiums from residents times the service charge (calculated as the ratio of the service charge for the domestic sector to premiums for the domestic sector); or Premiums from residents times service charge [ratio used internationally (if domestic sector is small or non-existent)]
Calculation/Sources of Insurance Service Charge Ratios of large insurance companies Ratios from the resident insurance company Ratios based on premiums payable abroad and claims receivable from abroad over a medium to long term
Calculation/Sources of Insurance Service Charge 2. Non-Life Domestic Insurance Value of Service Charge: -Gross premiums earned + premiums supplements less adjusted claims; then -calculate this value as a percentage of premiums earned by domestic insurance sector to get the service charge rate to be used for the non-resident insurance sector
Calculation of Insurance Service Charge Country Practices (To be updated) Trinidad and Tobago Net Premiums used OECS Countries Service charge used: long term relationship between claims and premiums Belize Net premium is used; Data obtained from ITRS Jamaica Service charge used: calculated as long term relationship between claims and premiums
7.“Other” Financial Services Financial services includes: Commissions and fees associated with financial transactions Financial advisory services Custody services for financial assets Financial asset management services Merger and acquisition services Corporate finance and venture capital services Credit card and other credit granting services Foreign exchange services Regulation and administration of financial markets Credit rating Service charges on purchases of IMF resources Charges associated with undrawn balances under standby or extended arrangements with the IMF FISM
“Other” Financial Services Excluded from financial services are: Interest earned on deposits, loans, financial leases, and debt securities which are included in investment income. Dividends Insurance services Nonfinancial advisory services provided by banks such as management services Gains and losses made on purchases and sales of securities and derivatives on own account
“Other” Financial Services Measurement of Financial services Explicit charges Application and commitment fees, late repayment fees, penalties and account charges, commissions and other explicit fees
“Other” Financial Services Margins on buying and selling transactions The difference between the reference price which is the mid price, and the dealer’s buying price at the time of purchase represents the service charge to the seller e.g. on FX, shares, bonds, notes, financial derivatives, financial instruments. E.g. the invoiced price of a security could include a charge for brokerage service as well as a charge for the international transfer of FX Estimation of a dealers’ average margin
“Other” Financial Services Asset management costs taken out of income Such charges can be both explicit and implicit for administrative expenses, legal and accounting expenses etc. deducted by fund managers, holding companies, trusts etc. E.g. a hedge fund may distribute a proportion of the net income from the fund to the entity that manages the fund
“Other” Financial Services -FISIM (Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured) Income margins accruing to financial institutions resulting from the difference between interest paid on deposits and interest earned on loans The reference rate is recommended - the going interbank lending rate or Central Bank lending rate can be used COLLABORATION WITH NATIONAL ACCOUNTS COMPILERS RECOMMENDED and BOJ
Calculation of FISIM: R=reference rate which should be from NA compilation Rl=rate on loans; rd=rate on non resident deposits FISIM on loans (rl-R)Outstanding non-resident loans FISIM on deposits (R-rd)Total non-resident deposits Explicitly charged FISIM ??
8. Charges for use of Intellectual Property MSITS 2010 disaggregates this as follows: -franchise and trademark licensing fees: which covers payments and charges for the use of trademarks and franchises (Lawyers, Company Registry, survey) -licences for the use of outcomes of research and development: which covers fees and charges for the use of proprietary rights arising from research and development
Charges for Use of Intellectual Property Licences to produce and or distribute computer software: which covers charges for the authorised reproduction and or distribution through licensing agreement of produced software originals ??? Licences to reproduce and or distribute audiovisual and related products which is broken down into:
Charges for use of Intellectual Property Licences to reproduce and or distribute audiovisual products Fees and charges for the authorised reproduction and or distribution, through licencing agreements of produced audiovisual originals or prototypes (e.g. cinematographic works, sound recordings) Fees for rights related to the reproduction and or distribution of recordings of live performances and radio, television, cable and satellite broadcast Retransmission rights for sports events Licences to reproduce and or distribute other products Fees and charges for the authorised reproduction and or distribution through licensing agreements of original works of authors (translation rights) painters and sculptors excluding those relating to products of an audiovisual nature ???
9. Telecommunications, Computer and Information Services Telecommunication services covers the broadcast or transmission of sound, images, data, or other information by telephone, telex, telegram, radio and television satellite, electronic mail, fascimile including business network services, teleconferences and support services, mobile telecommunication services, internet backbone and online access services
Telecommunications, Computer and Information Services Computer services which covers software and hardware related services and data processing services Information services which covers News agency services which is the provision of news, photographs and feature articles to the media Other information services which includes database services such as database conception, database storage and dissemination, direct non bulk subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, library and archive services ???
10. Other Business Services 10.1 Research and development services 10.1.1 Work undertaken on systematic basis to increase knowledge stock: Provision of customised and noncustomised R&D services This covers the provision of research and development services that are made to order and development of noncustomised research and development Sale of property rights arising from R&D sale of patents (Protects innovation) sale of copyrights arising from R&D (protects authors) sale of industrial processes and designs including trade secrets Other 10.1.2 Other: Includes testing and other product/process development activities
Other Business Services cont’d 10.2 Professional and Management Consulting Services 10.2.1 Legal, accounting, management consulting and public relations Legal services (Registry, ITRS, survey) Accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, management consulting and public relations services ( ITRS, survey) Business and management consultancy and public relations services (ITRS, Survey) 10.2.2 Advertising, market research and public opinion polling (ITRS, survey)
Other Business Services cont’d 10.3 Technical trade related and other business services 10.3.1 Architectural, engineering, and other technical services Architectural services (VAT unit, sector profiling, survey) Engineering services (VAT Unit sector profiling, survey) Scientific and other technical services: includes surveying, cartography, product testing and certification and technical inspection services. (Find out from agro- producers/CARIRI?)
Other Business Services cont’d 10.3.2 Waste treatment and depollution, agricultural and mining services Waste treatment and depollution: includes cleaning up of oil spills; restoration of mining sites, decontamination and sanitation services Services incidental to agriculture, forestry and fishing: includes provision of agric machinery with crew, harvesting, treatment of crops, pest control, vet services animal care and breeding services, logging Services incidental to mining, and oil and gas extraction: Includes mining services provided at oil and gas fields, including drilling, oil and gas well casing, mineral exploration, mining engineering and geological surveying 10.3.3 Operational leasing services 10.3.4 Other trade related services 10.3.5 other business services; Includes distribution services for water, steam, gas and petroleum products, electricity distribution (electricity transmission is included in transport), security and investigative services, real estate, translation and interpretation services, placement of personnel
11. Personal, Cultural and Recreational Services Comprises 2 subcomponents: Audiovisual and related services which covers: services associated with music, movies, radio, television and performing arts. That is production of motion pictures, radio and TV programmes, musical recordings, rental of audiovisual and related products and charges for access to encryped TV channels such as cable and satellite TV services Artistic related services- services provided by performing artists (actors, musicians, dancers), authors, composers, sculptors, independent models, set, costume and lighting designers, and promotion services for the performing arts and live entertainment (ITRS) Other personal, cultural and recreational services
Personal, Cultural and Recreational Services Education services: covers delivery of education services either via TV, internet, or via satellite, or directly through movement of natural persons, in host economies (ITRS) Health services: covers health services provided remotely through telemedicine or tele-diagnosis by hospitals, doctors, nurses, paramedicals, lab technicians, or directly through movement of natural persons in host country (ITRS)
Personal, Cultural and Recreational Services Heritage and recreational services includes (ITRS) services associated with museums and other cultural, sporting (Olympics Association), gambling and recreational activities (except those acquired by persons outside their country of residence which goes to travel) An estimate of the service charge for gambling and betting services (similar to estimation of the service charge for insurance services) Other personal services (ITRS) Social services Membership dues for business associations etc.
12. Government services MSITS disaggregates this as follows: Embassies and consulates Military units and agencies Other