EAAP 2016 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science Sustainable Food Production: Livestock’s Key Role Belfast 29 Aug - 2 Sept 2016 www.eaap2016.org
Europe’s Largest Animal Science Conference More than 1200 visiting scientists Over 1000 presentations from an international line-up of speakers Excellent opportunity for industry and scientists to meet, exchange ideas and work together to implement new science
Plenary Session – Tuesday 30 August Livestock, land use, global change and food security – The great balancing act. Tim Searchinger WRI, USA Role of mixed crop and livestock farming systems in ensuring food security – example of SSA. Philip Thornton, ILRI Role of grassland as an essential resource for future demand and environmental impact. J F Sousanna INRA, Pat Dillon,Teagasc Potential contribution of livestock to food and nutrition security and ‘one health’ agenda. Ian Givens Reading
Leading Science and Innovation Subjects ranging from genetics and nutrition to management, health and physiology, including: Key sessions on animal genetics, health and welfare, nutrition, farming systems, dairy, beef and pig production Livestock's role in feeding the world Role of grassland in feeding farm livestock Using genetics to improve nutrient-use efficiency
Industry/Sponsor Sessions (1) Healthy Livestock Products for Healthy Humans. (Sponsors - Devenish Nutrition Limited). Succession Planning for European Livestock Farmers. (Sponsored by Ulster Farmer Union/Young Farmers Club of Ulster/EAAP Cub Club) Knowledge Exchange – Overcoming the Barriers. (Sponsors AgriSearch/Teagasc) Science and Practice of Meat Quality. (Sponsored by Dunbia Ltd).
Industry/Sponsor Sessions (2) How do Research Funders Identify the Best Research Programmes? (Sponsored by Agri Food and Biosciences Institute) Alternative Treatment Strategies to Address the Challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance. (Sponsored by Alltech Ltd) Managing the Food Supply Chain. (Sponsored by Institute of Food Science and Technology and SafeFood.)
An Unforgettable Social Programme St George's Victorian Market: Cream of Northern Irish Livestock and A Taste of Ulster Food City Hall Reception 'Professor in a Pub' Treasure Hunt Titanic Banquet
Belfast | Northern Ireland Sustainable Food Production: EAAP 2016 Belfast | Northern Ireland 29 Aug - 2 September Sustainable Food Production: Livestock’s Key Role Europe’s largest animal science conference Experience a warm Belfast welcome with fantastic food, music and places to visit Unforgettable social programme including Titanic Banquet and City Hall Reception www.eaap2016.org