Delivering as One towards an Inclusive Green Economy - SWITCH-Asia and SWITCH-Africa Green EU Brussels – 27 September 2016
Collaboration between SWITCH-Asia and EU-funded programmes National level example: Pakistan National Roundtable on SCP (Ministry of Climate Change, Ministry of Planning, UN Pakistan, 10YFP) Development of a National Action Plan on SCP (linked into UN, Planning Commission, and Province level SDG planning processes, 10YFP) Sectoral policy activities: Policy Assessment of SCP in primary education and green entrepreneurship (MoCC, UNESCO, PIEDAR, 10YFP SLE), plus 2 proposals for SCP in higher Education (Higher Education Commission), sustainable building codes (UNHABITAT), Sustainable Rice (SWITCH- Asia, Sustainable Rice Platform, Mars), Sustainable lighting (ENERCON)
Collaboration between SWITCH-Asia and EU-funded programmes Subregional level example: ASEAN ASEAN Forum on SCP (10YFP, International Resource Panel) Sectoral policy activities: ASEAN SHINE – sustainable lighting (UNEP Climate Change, AusAid, SWITCH-Asia projects), Energy efficiency and renewable energy technology roadmap (ICA, Green Economy) ASEAN+3 Leadership Programme (ASEAN Sec, UNU, UNIDO, SWITCH-Asia projects, EcoInnovation, Think.Eat.Save) South Asia: SAARC has assigned SACEP on SCP -> SWITCH-Asia set up the South Asia Forum on SCP Pacific: Samoa pathway (Lifestyles, Education, Supply chain/rural dev’t, Food, tourism, MSMEs, Waste) Fiji, Samoa, and PNG have started work on SCP indicators linked to SCP proposal for Pacific
Collaboration between SWITCH-Asia and EU-funded programmes Regional level example: SCP Regional Roadmap First regional roadmap 2014-2015 completed Second SCP regional roadmap 2016-2018, with 10YFP Board members and programme partners, APRSCP, National Focal Points, Stakeholder Focal Points. Mainstreaming SCP Buildings and Construction Sustainable Public Procurement Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Sustainable Tourism Consumer Information/Ecolabelling Sustainable Food Systems Sustainable Industry/SMEs
Collaboration between SWITCH-Asia and EU-funded programmes Regional level example: SCP Indicators SDG Indicator Mongolia Asia Pacific 2015 6.4 - water-use efficiency (litres/$) 170 129 7.2 - renewable energy Renewable energy (%) 4.8% 16% 7.3 - energy efficiency Energy intensity (MJ/$) 54 16 8.4 - resource efficiency in consumption and production Material footprint (Tonnes) 27 million 46 billion (Tonnes/Capita) 10 12 (Kg/dollar) 8 2.8 12.2 - sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources Domestic material consumption 100 million 51 billion 34 13 17 3.1 17.11 – increase exports exports (Tonnes) 17 million 3 billion First regional database Support on SDG monitoring processes (Country level – National Statistics Offices, ESCAP Statistics, UN Statistics Division) Analysis of SDG 12.2
Collaboration between SWITCH programmes and 10YFP The development and implementation of an SCP e-learning course for policy and decision makers by UNEP and UNITAR initially under SWITCH Asia has allowed SCP training in Africa to be fast tracked.
Sharing of experiences between programmes The first SWITCH Africa Green Regional Networking Forum was held in Kampala, Uganda on 28-29 May 2016. About 250 participants including: Grantees, Selected MSMEs (Champions), National Focal Points, National Coordinators and 10YFP national focal points among others. Other SWITCH programmes made presentations, sharing experience between the regions, initiating collaboration .
Green MSMEs: collaboration at national level SAG is working with the RECPnet and the Eco-innovation project to ensure concerted impact on green business development at the national level. Tools for the intervention: build on / scale up / adapt / integrate existing tools for a systemic support to SMEs RECP related tools Eco-innovation, value chain management Industrial symbiosis Partners in the delivery: Eco-innovation project is working with four national cleaner production centers - three in the six SAG countries and one SWITCH Med country. Purpose of the intervention: strengthen the potential of SMEs to increase their competitiveness and respond to growing demands for more sustainable products and services.
Synergies between SWITCH projects and Eco-innovation activities Vietnam with SWITCH Asia policy support component Eco-innovation is one of the key priority areas in Vietnam SCP Action Plan adopted in January 2016. Sri Lanka with SWITCH Asia policy support component Eco-innovation is highlighted as one of the approaches to be developed through sectoral policies South Africa with SWITCH Africa Green In its inception report and implementation plan the ongoing eco-innovation project is a priority catalytic activity to enable the private sector to lead on inclusive green growth. Kenya with SWITCH Africa Green The policy review under the eco-innovation project was closely aligned with the development of Green Economy Strategy and Action Plan (GESIP), and the focus of the eco-innovation policy review in Kenya was on ten priority sectors selected for GESIP