Aliens: Have They Ever Visited Earth? By Maverick French
Introduction Aliens have been heard of from everywhere. But have there actually been aliens on Earth? Behold, as I have collected up a big supply of information for you to see. See the theories come alive, as you see these things: How aliens built the pyramids The Roswell Incident And much more!!!!!! Aliens: The truth is out there.
“Did aliens Build The Pyramids?” Look at the picture. The pyramid is highlighted in red, and its two diagonals are extended beyond the end of the pyramid to the north- east and north-west. All the squiggly lines are the River Nile, and the two diagonals neatly encase the River Nile. COINCEDENCE???
It could’ve been that the Egyptians held a really long string to know where to build the pyramid to encase the River Nile. But is that likely? This is what really happened: A couple of aliens flying over the pyramid saw how the pyramid would need to be in order to have the diagonals lie on the two lines.
“Not on My Watch.” Ok, so maybe they built the pyramids. But somebody said no. “Andromeda, the nearest galaxy to the Milky Way is 2 million light years distant. This means that if there were aliens in Andromeda, it would take them longer than 2 million years to come to earth. “
These statues are 500 years old These statues are 500 years old. Some people think that aliens visited the Earth and left their mark with these statues. These are the statues from Easter Island.
The Roswell Incident Sorry, no. This 1950 FBI memo is apparently evidence that the government found a crashed spaceship in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947. Is says that there was 3 ships, with 3 bodies looking like humans but 3 feet tall and with metallic cloth. But is this true? Sorry, no. The document is genuine but is not new, not secret and has nothing to do with a crashed ship in Roswell.
A person who worked for Nancy Pelosi claimed that she wore a “human mask” over her apparently very alien face and that she blamed her appearance on plastic surgery gone wrong. But no-one knows if this was actually true…
My Own Opinion I think that aliens might exist – It is a big possibility. NASA have been working hard to find aliens, and it might just happen. Whatever the cause, aliens do exist – somewhere in the big, bold, wide universe.
Bibliography ens.html dence.html memo-does-not-prove-aliens-crash-landed-in- roswell/
Bibliography Cont. earth-a-prison-planet/ 07/top-ten-signs-that-aliens-have-already- landed-on-earth/ news/8762402-released-fbi-files-aliens-landed- on-earth
What do you think-do aliens exist? Thanks for Watching!!!!!!! By Maverick French