Master in Teaching in the 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education Coordenation: Conceição Figueira António Almeida Carolina Gonçalves Margarida Rodrigues Isabel Madureira Alfredo Dias
Creation/designation of the Course Diário da República, 2.ª série — N.º 67 — 7 de Abril de 2010 Declaração de retificação n.º 1014/2012. D.R. n.º 153, Série II de 2012-08-08 Degree: Master in Teaching for the 1st and 2nd Cycle of Basic Education (6-12 years old)
Master in Teaching in the 1st and 2nd Cycles of Basic Education (120 credits) Training Area for Teaching (Language Portuguese): 7,5 credits Training Area for Teaching (Mathematics): 7,5 credits Training Area for Teaching (Natural Sciences): 7,5 credits Training Area for Teaching (History and Geography of Portugal): 7,5 credits General education: 11 credits Specific didactics: 25 credits Supervised professional practice (TP): 54 credits
Unidades Curriculares Tempo de trabalho (horas) Study Plan 1st Year Unidades Curriculares Área Científica Tipo Tempo de trabalho (horas) Créditos Ciências da Vida. AD:EM(CN) Semestral (S1) 125 45 (43 TP + 2 OT) 5 Didáctica da Língua Portuguesa DE Didáctica da Matemática Didáctica das Ciências da Natureza Didáctica da História e Geografia Didáctica das Expressões Artísticas e da Educação Física. Necessidades Educativas Especiais EG Semestral (S2) 50 18 (17 TP + 1 OT) 2 Psicologia da Aprendizagem Organização e Desenvolvimento Curricular Elementos de Álgebra e Análise AD: Mat 62,5 22,5 (21 TP + 1,5 OT) 2,5 Temas da História e Geografia de Portugal AD:EM(CS) Ciências da Terra Prática de Ensino Supervisionada I (1.º e 2.º ciclo) PES 350 198 (30 S + 18 OT + 150 E) 14
Unidades Curriculares Tempo de trabalho (horas) Study Plan 2nd Year Unidades Curriculares Área Científica Tipo Tempo de trabalho (horas) Créditos Números e Medida AD:MAT Semestral 125 45 (43 TP + 2 OT) 5 Gramática Textual AD:LP 187 67,5 (64 TP + 3,5 OT) 7,5 Sociedade, Cultura e Território AD:EM(CS) 62,5 22,5 (21 TP + 1,5 OT) 2,5 Administração e Gestão Educacional EG Ética e Deontologia Profissional 38 14 (14 T) 1,5 Prática de Ensino Supervisionada II (1.º e 2.º ciclo) PES 1025 515 (75 TP + 60 OT + 380 E) 41
Aims of the course understand and implement the curriculum guidelines of basic education; design, develop and evaluate contextualized curriculum projects; understand and actively participate in decision making of the school; integrate teams from the perspective of cooperative work / collaborative; adopt skills and attitudes in a perspective of professional development throughout life.
Teaching Practice (PES) Aim: to develop, in context, skills to support professional practices in the 1st and 2nd cycle of basic education, understood as the capacity to mobilize the necessary knowledge to solve problems posed by everyday teaching practice in schools.
Teaching Practice I
Teaching Practice II
Teaching Practice I and II (1st and 2nd year) It is envisaged as a space: where the future teacher will gain hands-on professional practice in which the knowledge acquired in other curricular components on the course is transposed into professional action, in a quest to transform subject knowledge into professional knowledge which will serve as the basis and orientation of the student’s performance as a teacher.
Teaching Practice I and II (1st and 2nd year) Phase 1 - Observation and characterization of school context / Intervention Project (3 weeks) Phase 2 – Pedagogical Intervention: Observation of student performance; reflection on performance; orientation and sharing seminars; tutorials (6 to 10 weeks). Phase 3 - Assessment - students' learning, the goals of the Intervention Project.
Multidisciplinary teams (TP I and TP II) Educational Sciences -2/3 teachers Portuguese Language - 2 teachers Natural Sciences - 2 teachers Mathematics - 2 teachers Social Science - 2 teachers Artistic Expression and Physical Education – 4 teachers
Teaching Practice II Evaluation of Supervised Teaching Practice 4 dimensions • Planning • Organization and development of teaching and learning • Participation and reflection • Professional, social and ethical dimension
Teaching Practice II Evaluation of Supervised Teaching Practice • Planning • Organization and development of teaching and learning • Participation and reflection • Professional, social and ethical dimension • Communication • Contents • Strategy / Procedures
5 5 7 Evaluation parameters 8 6 7
Planning A 1. Identifies the content / concepts of each curriculum area A2. Defines the general and specific objectives to achieve A3. Proposes appropriate strategies and activities, ensuring of pedagogic differentiation A4. Proposes curriculum materials appropriate to student diversity, properly prepared from a scientific point of view A5. Provides evaluation processes consistent with the objectives and activities to develop
B4. Makes an adequate management of time and each work situation Organization and development of teaching and learning Communication B1. Makes explicit the main lesson objectives at the beginning of the lesson B2. Relates contents to be developed with prior learning of the students B3. Organizes the class so that the link between objectives, strategies and activities is clear B4. Makes an adequate management of time and each work situation B5. At the end of the day gives an account of the work and perspective future work
C1. Correctly uses the Portuguese language, oral and written Organization and development of teaching and learning Contents C1. Correctly uses the Portuguese language, oral and written C2. Mobilizes updated scientific knowledge in a rigorous and integrated manner C3. Encourages student's communication and critical thinking, not anticipating the answers C4. Explicitly shows enthusiasm for the lesson topic and encourages students to learning C5. Promotes activities that are both appropriate and challenging C6. Uses students' everyday situations to explain the concepts covered by the lesson C7. Systematizes rigorously and aesthetic sense the contents studied
D1. Promotes a positive atmosphere in the classroom Organization and development of teaching and learning Strategy / Procedures D1. Promotes a positive atmosphere in the classroom D2. Provides frequent feedback to students on their performance D3. Provides clear and precise instructions for performing the tasks D4. Maintains eye contact with students D5. Moves properly in the room, meeting the needs of students D6. Uses in an appropriate and relevant way the picture, the projector, the support material (eg texts) and audiovisual media D7. Reformulates teaching strategies if students do not show the expected understanding D8.Identifies and positively reinforces the participation of students
Participation and reflection E1. Takes initiative and participates, highlighting doubts, questions and concerns E2. Critically assess their performance in a constructively self-critical perspective2. Mobilizes updated scientific knowledge in a rigorous and integrated manner E3. Comments in a constructive way practice carried out by (the) colleague (s) E4. Accepts criticism, suggestions and opinions E5. Argues in a reasoned manner, justifying their viewpoints E6. Reveals cooperation skills and ability to work in teams (colleagues, cooperative advisor, etc.)
Professional, social and ethical dimension F1. It is assiduous and timely F2. It is responsible and committed F3. Relates to students encouraging the necessary autonomy and emotional security F4. Reveals assertiveness on managing the relationships and interactions between the students F5. Promotes situations of cooperation, responsibility and mutual respect F6. Reveals capacity of attention to students by identifying their problems and interests F7. Reveals capacity for initiative and decision-making in unforeseen situations
Teaching Practice II Final Evaluation Final Report (public defense) - Report of Intervention - Investigative Dimension
Teaching Practice II Final Reports/Themes