Building Better Lives Policy 2014-2024 Stakeholder Event 19 April 2016
What is Building Better Lives? Statement of policy, proposed for 10 years An opportunity to re-think and bring new voices to the table Joining of our values, principles and delivery Peer-led support and delivery Building Better Lives Policy 2014-2024 2
The seven Building Better Lives principles Early Help Inclusion Shared responsibility Contribution Whole life approach Personalisation Independence Building Better Lives Policy 2014-2024
Co-production Building Better Lives Policy 2014-2024 4
Building Better Lives film
How the work will be delivered: GCC Cabinet Building Better Lives (BBL) policy Building Better Lives Programme Board. Chair: Linda Uren 4 Reference Groups: People with Disabilities, Carers, Children & Young People, BAME Outcome Based Commissioning Reshaping Services Employment/ Enablement name Challenging Behaviour Making sure each service has a clear set of outcomes that meet the principles of BBL To reshape disability services to become all age, all disability and able to meet the principles set out in the Building Better Lives policy New ways of working with some of the most vulnerable service users that lead to improved services and better outcomes Making employment a real option and presenting solutions at the front door Building Better Lives Policy 2014-2024 6
What is the role of the Building Better Lives Board? Meet quarterly – over 50% non-GCC membership. Check that all of the Building Better Lives work is happening in the spirit of coproduction Make sure that the workstreams are doing what they need to do in order to meet the actions of their Activity Cards. Make sure that the outcomes which we want to see are really happening and to take action when they are not. Building Better Lives Policy 2014-2024 8
What are some of the major areas of work this year? Pilot having drop-in services run by the VCS / user-led organisations Additional focus on employment Outcomes-based commissioning Hate Crime strategy ‘Culture change’ training Supporting BBL Development Fund initiatives to extent to other disability groups Transforming Care: reducing the use of inpatient services for people with a learning disability and challenging behaviour Building an all age and all disability service Mapping pathways to housing More joined-up enablement Building Better Lives Policy 2014-2024 8
Progress? Building Better Lives Policy 2014-2024 8 Challenging Behaviour Strategy and Building Better lives: NDTi – National Development Team for Inclusion evaluation: “Gloucestershire…are miles ahead of the rest of the country. “ “It has brought services together and now people have a better understanding of the landscape.” “we need to celebrate the fact that there has been a commitment to providing one intervention packing across the services and that training is readily accessible.” Steve Campbell, Gloucestershire Learning Disability Intensive Support Service We are in the process of bringing children’s and adult services together – to make transition smoother, starting with LD. Drop in services and User led committees set up. Developing pilot VCS drop ins from May/June 2016 – all age, all disability. Employment: Approx 60 people helped to find work since April ‘15 New internship opportunities Building Better Lives Policy 2014-2024 8
More information: GCC website: Team Contact: Jane Gibney, Building Better Lives Support Officer 01452 324379 Agy Pasek, Strategy and Transformation Manager 01452 328647