Resumés & Cover Letters English IV
Bellwork – Sign up to work with a partner for The Hobbit Project Bellwork – Sign up to work with a partner for The Hobbit Project. I will try to not make many changes to this list. Remember that this needs to be someone you can work well with!
Resumés A résumé by itself will not get you a job. However, a bad résumé, regardless of your skills and experience, can keep you from getting one. Creating an effective résumé involves a knowledge of the characteristics and elements of résumé formats, your own strengths and skills, and how the two can work together to present the best possible image to prospective employers.
Chronological Resumé Most common Most straight-forward work history is presented in reverse-chronological order (most recent work first); skills included in job descriptions weaknesses in employment history are highlighted Use if: the applicant has a strong work history; the applicant has few if any glaring weaknesses on his résumé; the applicant is applying for a job in a field directly related to his work experience
Functional Resumé highlights the skills, talents, and accomplishments of the job hunter. not a straightforward employment history. takes emphasis off employment gaps, spotty work history, or lack of experience. Remember, employers know this too.
The Combination or Hybrid Resumé and the Curriculum Vitae includes elements from both functional and chronological formats. highlights the applicant's skill set at or near the top with a brief work history included below. allows an applicant to emphasize skills without appearing to withhold work history. THE CURRICULUM VITAE If applying for an academic, medical, or legal job in the future, you will have to create a curriculum vitae, which would include extensive lists of activities, memberships, publications, affiliations, and related information. A CV is basically an extended résumé or more properly, a résumé is a brief CV.
Audience & Purpose Audience - anyone who will review the resume. Consider all audiences, both primary and secondary. Purpose - why the audience is looking at the resume and what they will be looking for. Consider what they want to read.
The Three F(s) of Resumes Function: to inform the audience about you in order to accomplish something, such as getting a job, getting into college, winning a scholarship, or being selected for an internship. There are many reasons to show people your resume. Form: Resumes need to look a certain way, which is the form. People who read resumes expect them to include specific information, such as your name, address, contact information, education, past jobs, volunteer experience, and special skills. If a resume does not look like a traditional resume, the reader may think the writer is not educated about writing proper resumes. (e)Ffectiveness: For a resume to be effective, it must demonstrate your knowledge of both function and form. An effective resume - Has a clear purpose that shows why you are writing it - Is visually appropriate and appealing, or easy to read - Includes all the necessary information about the writer - Is grammatically correct with no errors in punctuation or spelling
The Three F(s) of cover letters Function: accompany resumes to introduce the reader of the resume to the writer. They personalize the resume, allowing the writer to provide more detail about him- or herself and any relevant experience. A way for the writer’s true voice to come through. Form: typically that of a business letter. Correct placement of the heading, date, salutation, body paragraphs, closing, and signature is essential. Readers expect certain features. If they aren’t included, the reader may think the writer is not knowledgeable and, therefore, not ready for whatever he or she is trying to accomplish by submitting the cover letter and resume. (e)Ffectiveness: combines both function and form. It personalizes the writer and provides additional information about him or her and any relevant experience in a standard form. A good cover letter -Has a clear purpose that shows why you are writing it -Is visually appropriate and appealing, or easy to read -Includes additional relevant information about the writer -Is grammatically correct with no errors in punctuation or spelling
Online Reference Sites High School Students Need Resumes Too me#.VmTy4rgrKM8 College Admissions High School Resume Sample Cover Letter Students&id=3287549
Works Cited Seible, Marcea K. “Resumes and Cover Letters for High School Students.” Read, Write, Think. International Literacy Association, 2015. 4 Dec. 2015. (updated)