How to maximise your chances in the academic job market Peter D’Sena
Know your skills … Analysing Editing Presenting Researching Writing Lecturing Analysing Editing Presenting Evaluating Supervising Tutoring Monitoring Applying for funds Teaching Mentoring Co-ordinating Organising
Building a CV: things to include Introductions Personal Details Qualifications Experience Key words Bullet points not lengthy paragraphs Skills Interests
CV ‘Clangers’ You are not qualified for the job Providing irrelevant personal details Not prioritising key info Spelling errors, typos, etc. Lying Over-long CV Badly formatted CV
TASK: What do institutions ask for? Some examples … Person specifications Job specification Essential and desirable attributes Supporting statements Referees
Golden rules for interviews Read in full all the information that they send you Learn as much as you can about the department and the university by searching their web site, read their prospectus, talking to people you know Re-visit your application and be prepared to substantiate everything you have claimed Dress smartly to look the part Arrive early Appear happy, relaxed and confident
For more on applying for jobs, see: http://jobs. ac For more on applying for jobs, see: History UK: