What do I expect of an academic trainee? Phil Quirke 25 minutes
Know where you are going Where will you be in 5 and 10 years? What skills do I need to acquire? How does my CV need to look? How can I steepen my trajectory?
Applicable to academics Try to achieve a trajectory
Learn how to do it – business cycle of research X X Idea X Tell the story Persuade/Cajole Write the grant X X Do the Work
ETC…...... Do the Work Do the Work Do the Work Idea Idea Idea Tell the story Persuade/Cajole Write the grant Do the Work Idea Tell the story Persuade/Cajole Write the grant Do the Work Idea Tell the story Persuade/Cajole Write the grant Do the Work ETC…......
Know what we expect and manage it …...
However your performance determines your prospects both internally and internationally!
Choose a great supervisor/boss
Good supervisor/boss – bad supervisor/boss
Choose a great supervisor/boss
Academic FY progress
Academic FY Engagement from before they start the post Engagement through year 1 Know and met academic supervisor Agreed the project Started the project Complete the Research methods certificate if in Leeds Find out that they enjoy histopathology
aFY2 year Be in a position to complete the project in the attachment Present a poster on it at the regional meeting and path Soc meeting Write up if possible Build CV with other things Engagement with undergraduates Teaching experience Impressed NHS and academic colleagues
ACF progress
Target Externally funded PhD Research knowledge to enable you to get and undertake it Knowledge you would like to be an academic Demonstration of progression
IMPACT Idea’s = Results Publication Process resources Clear question Training Time Money Material Equipment Consumables Space Computing Idea’s IMPACT Clear question Tractable – method exists to get answer Doable in time frame = Results Publication
Academic clinical fellows - minimum Pass ARCP’s and clinical competencies Certificate of Health research compulsory Diploma / MSc or Mres not necessary only if no intention of remaining an academic Generate pilot data for PhD application Involved with undergraduate network Undergraduate teaching
Wanted 2-3 publications – case reports/pilot data 2-3 presentations/abstracts at best possible meetings Write and apply for one or more small grants Intercalated BSc student supervision Attendance at Wood Hall/Postgraduate network/Deanery/Academy of Medical Sciences research meetings
Progression and its trajectory Building relationships – internal and external Building your CV Learning to write abstracts, papers and grant applications Make yourself essential
Participation in the undergraduate strategy (building your future network) Students Leaders/Perks/MSRC Medical School Dean Postgraduate academic Programme CL’s and ACF’s Funding Inspire - Academy Bequest
PhD students
Expectations Complete the PhD requirements of the Institution Submit PhD within time Publish three papers Present the findings at Path Soc and appropriate international meetings Attend the academic network meetings and local educational meetings
Tell people you want a clinical lectureship at least 18 months ahead Apply for some funding so that you have money when you start Acad Med Sci starter grants 25K Path Soc small grants Other places Network so that others know you and may have an eye open for a job for you in case the locals let you down
Clinical lecturers
Clinical lecturers Best to develop your research and specialty in the same field Have some ideas Obtain some grants to fund them Starter grant Acad Med Sci 25K Path Soc fellowship 100K Small grant path soc Try and get a technician
Clinical lecturers Finish writing up your PhD papers Start working for the exam and get it by year 3 of the CL post Continue to publish so can be returned in the REF 2 3* or 4* papers May have to undertake a teaching certificate Develop your own CV/reputation Can ask for a research extension from NIHR
Clinical lecturer Look about for opportunities Write a Clinician Scientist application Can they develop a Senior Lecturer/Associate professor job for you Network around meetings and target possible jobs Make yourself essential to the pathologists and clinicians in your area.