Pre-historic Indians What is Pre-historic? A). Before the appearance of the first white man. B). What we know is based on artifacts C). We know little about things like customs, laws, religion. D). Discovery of artifacts is in many cases discovered by accident (e. g. farmer plowing field, citizen finds artifact).
Pre-historic Indians Where did the first people to inhabit Wisconsin come from? A). Beringia—land bridge across the Bering Sea connecting Asia and North America. B). Arrived about 10,000 years ago when Indians migrated across land bridge. 1). We know this because of chipped stone points found in association with ice age animals.
Pre-historic Indians Paleo-Indians A). First settlers in Wisconsin B). Weren’t localized C). Were hunter-gatherers 1). Followed the big animals of the ice age— mammoth, mastodon. 2). Would run animals off cliffs into pits called a deadfall
Pre-historic Indians D). Most famous artifact is Clovis Fluted Point found in New Mexico. 1). Artifacts also found in this state a). Silver Mound—Jackson County b). Boaz, Wisconsin – Richland Co. E). 12,000 B. C. – 8,500 B. C.
Pre-historic Indians IV). Archaic Culture – 8,500 – 1,000 B. C. A). Glaciers beginning to retreat north B). Change in type of survival, becoming semi-permanent C). Two important technologies spring out of this culture. 1). Stone ax 2). Use of copper
Pre-historic Indians D). Archaic sub-groups 1). Aqua-Planeo a). Made their homes along plains near lakes. b). First to use canoe and developed the art of fishing.—harpoons and fishhooks found at their sites. c). Two sites—Renier Site, Pope Site
Pre-historic Indians 2). Old Copper Indians a). Mined copper off the southern shore of Lake Superior. b). Practiced bundle burials gathering remaining bones and depositing them together c). Used an annealing process—heating and cooling of copper so that it can be molded.
Pre-historic Indians V). Woodland Culture 3). Red Ocher Indians a). Capped graves with ocher, an impure form of iron. b). First to use pipe and burial mounds V). Woodland Culture A). Most common culture in Wisconsin B). 1,000 B. C. to 1,000 A. D. C). Most important contribution gardening
Pre-historic Indians D). Invention of bow and arrow are contributions of the Woodland culture. E). Two Woodland divisions 1). Hopewell Indians—metal workers, only group to use silver in Wisconsin. 2). Effigy Mound Builders
Pre-historic Indians a). Burial mounds in various bird and animal shapes. b). Man mound built in human form, located in Baraboo (Sauk County). c). Intaglio—area of scooped out earth, leaving an impression of an animal.
Pre-historic Indians d). Effigy Mounds are almost unique to Wisconsin – 98% of all effigy mounds are found within the state.