The Peculiar Institution Latara Price and Deja Reed 2nd period
The Peculiar Institution Also known as Slavery Expanded because of the cotton gin Cotton gin helped produce more cotton
The Living Conditions 6 days a week Was provided food sometimes Small shacks Dirt floors Little / no furniture
The Roles on the Plantation Plantation Owner Overseer Drivers Domestic Slaves Regular slaves
Slave Codes -Would get punished if he/she ran away -Legal imbalance -No right to bear arms or self-defense -Legal imbalance -Could not read/write -Prohibited from marrying -If caught stealing,they would be punished -Travel restrictions -Could not own anything
Nat Turner Born on a virginia plantation Became a preacher and a leader Born october 2 ,1800 Died November 11, 1831 Led a violent rebellion known as the Nat Turner’s Rebellion
Nat Turner’s Rebellion Led by Nat Turner One of the most effective, sustained slave rebellion Spread terror throughout the South
Nat Turner’s Rebellion
Arguments Economics History Religion Legality Social Good Those defending slavery argued on the topics of: Economics History Religion Legality Social Good Humanitarianism
Arguments CONT. Ending slavery will cause a drastic decline on the economy Widespread of unemployment will lead to chaos Slavery had existed throughout history and was the natural state of mind The context of the bible Turned to the courts Brought Christianity to the heathen from across the ocean Slaves were better cared for
Kevin Bales -”slavery is the theft of a life, theft of work, theft of any property or produce, theft even of the children a slave might have borne.”
Kenneth M.Stampp Born July 12,1912 Died July 10,2009 Celebrated historian of slavery, the American Civil War, and the Reconstruction.
Bibliography “The Confessions of Nat Turner” by William Styron 1967
Bibliography cont.
Review Questions Which of the following is not a justification for slavery under the topic: Religion? A. Abraham had slaves b. Slavery was the natural state of mind c. Paul returned a runaway slave to his master in the new testament d.Jesus never spoke against the practice of slavery Which topic does this argument go under: “compared to the poor in Europe and the workers of the Northern states, slaves were better cared for by their slaveowners? A. Economic B. Religion C. Humanitarianism D. History
Review Questions 3. Which of the following was used as a topic to defend slavery? A. Economic B. Legality c. Social Good D. All of the Above 4. In south cities, large amounts of slaves were employed as artisans. Define artisans. A. artist B. graphic artist C. skilled craftsman D. sculptor
Review Questions 5. Slave supporter turned to the courts in which case? A. Marbury vs. Madison B. Brown vs. Board of Education C. Fletcher vs. Peck D. Dred Scott vs. Sandford 6. Which of the following was not included in the slave codes? A, Rules for education slaves B. Rules for feeding slaves C. Rules for punishing slaves D. Rules for slave marriages
Review Questions 7. Which two men led slave revolts during the 1800s? A. Gabriel Prosser and Frederick Douglass B. Denmark Vesey and Gabriel Prosser C. Nat Turner and Denmark Vesey D. Nat Turner and Eli Whitney 8. Who was paid to get the most work out of the slaves? A. the driver B. the plantation owner C. Clerks D. the overseer
Review Questions 9. What is the punishment for a runaway slave for the second time? A. leg will be cut off B. arm will be cut off C. ear will be cut off D. the slave would get killed 10. Which invention increased the growth in the peculiar Institution? A. the spinning jenny B. the sewing machine C. the steam engine D. the cotton gin