Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad “Teaching the Andes” Webinar #1
Welcome! Webinar Ground Rules Patience is a virtue (especially with technology) Raise your hand! Speak up Text chat whenever you’d like Explore
Webinar Overview Overview of the Program Review of Project Timeline IRIS Flights Pre-Departure Orientation Details Other critical logistics (vaccines, allergies, passports) Q & A
Overview of the Program Three Phases: Pre-Departure Orientation Overseas Travel Post-travel summary activities
Program Objectives: Advance and disseminate knowledge of the Andes by providing opportunities for K-12 educators to experience first-hand the history, politics, language, and culture of the region; Provide intensive Quechua language training that emphasizes cultural competency in the language and its regional linguistic variations, equivalent to one semester of beginner’s level university instruction; and Contribute to the development of internationalizing curriculum that accurately and effectively brings the Andes into the classroom through standards-based approaches.
Pre-Departure Orientation & Planning Getting you ready for the trip What to pack/How to prepare Pre-travel evaluation Webinars Required reading
Travel to Columbus, health and safety topics, and program expectations March 13 – 17 1st Onboarding Webinar welcome participants, introduce the program, and answer initial questions 27-31 2nd Onboarding Webinar Travel to Columbus, health and safety topics, and program expectations April 10 - 14 3rd Onboarding Webinar Program evaluation and to complete online pre-program assessment April 21 Reading materials shipped to participants May 1 - 5 4th Onboarding Webinar What to pack, how to prepare for the trip, and other details as needed May 8 -12 Participants meet (virtually) Project Director, Michelle Wibbelsman!
Overseas Travel
Participants arrive in Columbus June 14 – June 15 Pre-Departure Orientation June 16 Participants Depart Columbus for Ecuador June 16 - July 17 “Teaching the Andes” Program: Ecuador & Peru July 17 Return to U.S.
Otavalo Centro Cultural Yawar Wauki La Casa Sol Various Excursions
Cusco Centro Tinku Various Excursions Final Projects
Post-travel Summary Activities Curriculum implementation Short-term outreach activity (presenting to your school, post-travel webinar, attend a workshop) Long-term outreach activity (publishing your travel journal or curriculum project online; presenting at a conference)
Participants conduct post-trip survey September – December 2017 August 2017 Participants conduct post-trip survey September – December 2017 Participants implement lesson plans and plan outreach activity; CLAS staff answer any questions October 2017 Follow-up interviews are conducted and CLAS will host a webinar for participants to reflect on their experiences and assess achievements Participants report on short-term outreach activity December 2017 All seminar materials, lesson plans, and other educational materials are posted online on the CLAS website January 2017 Participants report on long-term outreach activity CLAS conducts six month follow-up with project participants July 2018 CLAS conducts one year follow-up with project participants to determine long-term impact
The Importance of Evaluation Critical to measure pre and post assessments Language acquisition Long-term, measurable impact
What is IRIS? International Resource Information System For reporting and evaluation Emails to come
Flights & Changes to the Schedule Departure date Flt number Depart Airport Depart Time Arrival Airport Arrival Time Layover 16-Jun DL 2912 COLUMBUS 10:25 ATLANTA 12:03 5:52 DL 673 5:55 PM QUITO 10:13 PM 4-Jul LA 1449 4:15 AM LIMA 6:30 AM 2:30 LA 2123 9:00 AM CUSCO 10:35 AM 16-Jul LA 2062 6:00 PM 7:35 PM 5:30 17-Jul DL 150 1:05 AM 5:20 DL 2918 2:20 PM 4:06 PM
Pre-Departure Orientation Activities Hotels Getting here What to expect
Critical Logistics Vaccines & Allergies & Passports Travel.state.gov Cdc.gov Wi-Fi Access
Future Webinars & Next Steps Saturday, April 1 at 3:00 p.m. Weds., April 12 at 5:00 p.m. Tues., May 2 at 7:00 p.m.