Cash Assistance in Connecticut Programs, Requirements, Applications, and Reality Nancy Boone CT Alliance for Basic Human Needs 65 Hungerford St., Hartford, CT 06106 860-904-5534
What ARE the cash programs in CT? SSI-Supplemental Security Income SSDI-Social Security Disability Insurance TFA-Temporary Family Assistance SAGA Cash-State Administered General Assistance State Supplement
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) $733/month max benefit Disabled or Elderly without much of, or any, work history To apply call SSA 1-800-772-1213 Application Denial Appeal Hearing Representation Legal Aid 1-800-453-3320 CT Legal Rights Project 1-877-402-2299 (represents adults where the primary disability is a mental health condition)
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) $1166/month average; $2,639/month maximum Disabled adults with a substantive work history Apply online: Phone interview Denial Appeal Hearing Representation CT Legal Rights Project 1-877-402-2299 (represents adults where the primary disability is a mental health condition) Private attorney
Temporary Family Assistance (TFA) $543/mo. family of 3 Very low or no income families with a dependent child in the house Apply via DSS online: or in office, call 211 21 month limit 2 six-month extensions OR exempt Baby at home under 1 None of the adults at home can work bc they have a disability or are taking care of a family member with a disability
State Administered General Assistance (SAGA Cash) $55/mo. if no housing costs, $219/mo. if housing costs Unemployable adult with NO dependents Apply via DSS online: or in office, call 211 AND complete 3 other forms, find them online at Form 300 (doctor) Form 303 (applicant) Form 303A (applicant)
State Supplement $168/mo Elderly or permanently disabled Income below $906/month, higher if living in a care facility Apply via DSS online: or in office, call 211
If DSS denies your application… Ask for a hearing- on your own or call Legal Services at 1-800-453- 3320 How to get a hearing Fill out the appeal form that came with the denial; or Mail or fax DSS a letter asking for a hearing The letter should have: name, address, date, DSS client number, reason for a hearing, and signature What happens at the hearing The hearing officer may ask why you think you qualify for assistance DSS worker will explain their side Decisions are usually within 90 days of hearing request