Year 6 Residential Trip 5th June – 9th June 2017 Robin Hood Bay Trip Year 6 Residential Trip 5th June – 9th June 2017
Aims & objectives of the trip Gain first hand in depth experience of the historical, and geographical and scientific studies which we have covered this year. Develop good teamwork and social skills. Build confidence & self-esteem. Promote a sense of achievement. Have FUN!
Staff Miss Snape (Trip Leader – week 1) Mrs Suttle Mrs Freeman
Day 1 - Monday Children arrive at school 7:00 am. Leave at 7:30am to travel to York Visit Yorvik Centre and a Viking Dig Lunch. Travel to Robin Hood Bay Arrive at Old School House and unpack Dinner.
Day 2 - Tuesday Early bird duties are at 7:30 sharp. Walk & Fossiling. Rose Rylands - Story Teller
Day 3 – Wednesday Whitby Abbey Captain Cook Museum Early bird duties are at 7:30 sharp. Whitby Abbey Captain Cook Museum Bark Endeavour – 3pm Sailing. Maggie Burchell - Smuggling Stories
Day 4 – Thursday Eden Camp Steam Railway Early bird duties are at 7:30 sharp. Eden Camp Steam Railway
Day 5 – Friday Early bird duties are at 7:30 sharp. Return coach journey Visit to Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre Arrive back at Priory 4pm
Accommodation Old School House We have exclusive use of the Old School House Children will be in single sex rooms in beds/bunk beds.
Meals All known dietary requirements will be met. Children will be given breakfast, a packed lunch and dinner everyday. Drinks will be available before bedtime. Children should bring a named water bottle which can be refilled.
Dressing Up for our Evacuee Experience Ideas for boys Short trousers, shirt and sweater or sleeveless pullover. Dark knee length socks, shoes or even wellington boots but NOT trainers. If possible, a school cap or balaclava. Ideas for girls A dress or skirt and blouse with a cardigan. Shoes and short socks. Hats could include hand knitted ones, berets, straw boaters or even balaclavas. Long hair can be tied in plaits. Any items of clothing that are home knit would add to the effect as most adults and children would have worn these.
Medical Issues All members of staff are first aid trained. This evening you will receive a medical form to complete giving permission for us to give children any required medicines. Please could you ensure you fill in all of this form. We can only take medicines (including asthma inhalers) that have been prescribed by a doctor and they must be in the original container with the pharmacy label on. Medicines will then be kept by staff and given to the children as and when they are needed.
Spending Money Children are permitted to bring up to £5 only with them for ice creams and treats. This should be in coins only
Behaviour The School’s positive restorative approach to behaviour will apply whilst we are at Robin Hood Bay Children must do as they are asked, for their own safety and everyone else’s. Any damage to property will be charged to the individuals responsible. We reserve the right to send any party members home for persistent or gross misconduct. In such cases parents will be expected to collect their child.
The Journey We will contact the school on our safe arrival and you will be informed via the School Gateway. We expect to arrive late afternoon. If there is any delay on our return journey we will again inform parents by text via the School Gateway. We expect to be back at school at 4pm.
Our requests Please ensure your child’s medical information is up to date. Please name all your child’s clothes for the trip. No mobile phones or other electronic messaging devices are permitted. Although children may bring cameras for photographs.
To finish… Our risk assessment is available for parents on request. Should any information change, like mobile numbers, please let us know straight away.