How big do you think our Solar System is compared to the Universe?
On the 5th of September 1977, NASA launched Voyager 1. In August 2013, Voyager 1 left the Solar System. It took 36 years, with Voyager 1 travelling at a speed of nearly 36 000 miles in one hour. On the 12th of September 2013 Voyager was 11.6 billion miles from the Earth.
Proxima Centauri (a star) How far away? How far are each of these objects from the Earth? Can you put them in order of distance, starting with the Earth at the centre? Moon Proxima Centauri (a star) Andromeda (a galaxy) Sun Neptune
How far away? Moon = 384 000 km Sun = 150 000 000 km How far are each of these objects from the Earth? Can you put them in order of distance, starting with the Earth at the centre? Moon = 384 000 km Sun = 150 000 000 km Neptune = 4 500 000 000 km Proxima Centauri =4.0 x 1013 km (4.3 ly) Andromeda = 2.5 x 1019 km (2.5 million ly)
Know some objects in the Solar System Success Criteria Today you will: Know some objects in the Solar System Understand the similarities and differences between the planets in the Solar System Be able to explain why it is difficult to make scale models of the Solar System
What is in the Solar System?
What is in the Solar System?
What is in the Solar System? How can we remember…? M – V – E – M – J – S – U – N
What is in the Solar System?
Know some objects in the Solar System Success Criteria Today you will: Know some objects in the Solar System Understand the similarities and differences between the planets in the Solar System Be able to explain why it is difficult to make scale models of the Solar System
What are the planets like? The planets can be divided into two groups: Rocky inner planets Gas giants How do you think these planets might be similar and how might they be different?
What are the planets like? Solar System Top Trumps Round 1: Which has the BIGGEST DIAMETER? Round 2: Which has the TEMPERATURE CLOSEST TO EARTH’S TEMPERATURE? Round 3: Which has the HIGHEST ORBITAL SPEED? Round 4: Which has the HIGHEST MASS? Round 5: Which has the EARLIEST YEAR OF DISCOVERY?
Know some objects in the Solar System Success Criteria Today you will: Know some objects in the Solar System Understand the similarities and differences between the planets in the Solar System Be able to explain why it is difficult to make scale models of the Solar System
Scale of the Solar System Can you fit the whole Solar System onto one strip of paper? Fold your strip of paper into three equal sections. Write ‘Sun’ at the top, ‘Saturn’ at the first fold, ‘Uranus’ at the second fold, and ‘Neptune’ at the bottom. Fold the top of the page (Sun) to the first fold (Saturn). Label the new fold ‘Jupiter’. Fold the top of the page (Sun) and the new fold (Jupiter) into three equal sections. Label the fold closest to the Sun as ‘Mars’. Write the remaining planets equally spaced between the Sun and Mars. These planets are Mercury, Venus, and Earth.
Know some objects in the Solar System Success Criteria Today you will: Know some objects in the Solar System Understand the similarities and differences between the planets in the Solar System Be able to explain why it is difficult to make scale models of the Solar System
Our Solar System Our solar system has ______ planets and thousands of ___________, which are small lumps of rock found between _________ and Jupiter. All the planets and asteroids _______ around the Sun. The Sun is a ______ so it produces its own _______. We can only see planets when they _________ light from the Sun. Earth eight Mars reflect orbit star light asteroids
One of Four
What is the closest planet to the Sun? Jupiter The Earth Mercury Saturn
What is the closest planet to the Sun? Jupiter The Earth Mercury Saturn
Which is the largest planet? Jupiter The Earth Mercury Saturn
Which is the largest planet? Jupiter The Earth Mercury Saturn
Which of the following planets is our next door neighbour? The Moon Mercury Venus Neptune
Which of the following planets is our next door neighbour? The Moon Mercury Venus Neptune
Put the following in order of size (smallest first): Galaxy Planet Star Universe a b c d b c a d d c b a c d b a
Put the following in order of size (smallest first): Galaxy Planet Star Universe a b c d b c a d d c b a c d b a
Identify the planet: Earth Mars Pluto Saturn
Identify the planet: Earth Mars Pluto Saturn
Identify the planet: Pluto Mercury Uranus Neptune
Identify the planet: Pluto Mercury Uranus Neptune
How long does it take the Earth to orbit the Sun? 1 month 1 day 3 months I year
How long does it take the Earth to orbit the Sun? 1 month 1 day 3 months 1 year
How long does it take for the Earth to rotate once on it’s axis? 1 Hour 12 Hours 24 Hours 1 Year
How long does it take for the Earth to rotate once on it’s axis? 1 Hour 12 Hours 24 Hours 1 Year
Which planet has the greatest gravitational pull? Jupiter Mars Earth Pluto
Which planet has the greatest gravitational pull? Jupiter Mars Earth Pluto