LESSON 8 Module 4: Working with Images Digital Photography 1
In this lesson, we will: Explore digital photography. Discover compositional styles. Analyze and share photographs collected in the last lesson.
Guiding Questions How is digital photography changing the photography world? How is digital photography used in Web design? What compositional techniques help make a good photograph? Use the guiding questions as a class starter, allowing the students time to answer the questions in their journal. Discuss student answers to the questions.
Web sites Digital Photography Class: http://digitalphotographyclass.net/ Composition tips: http://www.photolaureates.org/tutorial/composition/ More composition tips: http://digital-photography-school.com/blog/category/composition-tips/ Use Web sites to give background information and show examples.
Digital Photography Digital Photography: A form of photography that uses digital – electronic – technology to create digital images of subjects. Digital images can be displayed, printed, manipulated, transmitted, and stored using computer techniques.
Composition: The layout of elements in a photograph Factor framing: Enclosing a subject in a natural frame Lighting: The use of light in a photograph to create strategic effects. Lead Room: The space in front of an object that appears to be moving in a photograph. Rule of Thirds: A composition rule - photograph is split into 9 equal parts and the subject is placed on one of the 4 intersecting points. Background: The area behind the subject in a photograph. Emphasize simplicity and the elimination of any merging. Orientation: The photograph format: either portrait or landscape. Discuss each compositional technique and show examples Factor framing: A natural frame that encloses a subject in a photograph. Lighting: The use of light in a photograph to create strategic effects. Lead Room: Leaving space in front of an object that is moving in a photograph. Rule of Thirds: Composition rule where the photograph is split into 9 equal parts and the subject is placed on one of the 4 intersecting points. Background: The area in back of the subject in a photograph. Emphasize simplicity and the elimination of any merging. Orientation: The photograph format: either portrait or landscape.
Digital Photography
Digital Photography
Digital Photography
Digital Photography
Digital Photography
Digital Photography
Digital Photography
Digital Photography
Digital Photography
Digital Photography
Digital Photography
Digital Photography
Activity Share the photos you collected from the previous lesson with a partner. List the compositional techniques found in the photos collected. (Some may not have any composition techniques, just a picture!) Pick your favorite photograph that shows one of the compositional techniques discussed. Place the photo in a class folder on the server and rename as with your name. Be prepared to share with the class. Change the information above to fit your saving method.
Lesson Review Compositional techniques: Many different aspects of photography. Digital Photography: A form of photography that uses digital – electronic – technology to create digital images of subjects. Digital images can be displayed, printed, manipulated, transmitted, and stored using computer techniques. Factor framing: A natural frame that encloses a subject in a photograph. Lighting: The use of light in a photograph to create strategic effects. Lead Room: Leaving space in front of an object that is moving in a photograph. Rule of Thirds: Composition rule where the photograph is split into 9 equal parts and the subject is placed on one of the 4 intersecting points. Background: The area in back of the subject in a photograph. Emphasize simplicity and the elimination of any merging. Orientation: The photograph format: either portrait or landscape. Summary and Vocabulary During this lesson, we learned about digital images and compositional techniques. We analyzed your photos and discussed your favorite photo with the class. Digital Photography: Digital photography is a form of photography that uses digital technology to create digital images of subjects. Digital images can be displayed, printed, manipulated, transmitted, and stored using computer techniques. Factor framing: A natural frame that encloses a subject in a photograph. Lighting: The use of light in a photograph to create strategic effects. Lead Room: Leaving space in front of an object that is moving in a photograph. Rule of Thirds: Composition rule where the photograph is split into 9 equal parts and the subject is placed on one of the 4 intersecting points. Background: The area in back of the subject in a photograph. Emphasize simplicity and the elimination of any merging. Orientation: The photograph format: either portrait or landscape.
Assessment How is digital photography integrated into the World Wide Web? What is your favorite compositional technique of photography? Why? Draw the grid of the Rule of Thirds. Where do you place your subjects on the grid? Make a list of objects that can frame a subject in your photograph. Ask students to answer the questions in their journal, with a partner, or as a whole class.