Strengths Chp 5 – The Home Page Chp 6 – Page Layout 5:2 Show All Major Options on the Homepage As it stands, all important information is properly organized for easy access 5:5 Limit Prose on Homepage The short introduction includes all basic and key information, despite needing to be updated. Chp 6 – Page Layout 6:8 Uses Fluid (Responsive) Layouts Pages appropriately adjust to the type and size of browser, including mobile Chp 8 – Scrolling and Paging 8:4 Uses Paging Rather than Scrolling Unlike some flat designs, information is not on one single page and has pages. Chp 10 – Links 10:2 Link to Related Content Linking to internal pages such as contact or services helps provide immediate connection when relevant.
Strengths (continued) Chp 11 – Text Apperance 11: 4 Ensure Visual Consistency Despite text not always being friendly, it is the same throughout the entire site Chp 14 – Graphics, Images, and Multimedia 14:16 Uses Photography of People While they should be replaced with proper stock images providing the service, using people in the services page makes it relatable.
Weaknesses Chp 1 – Design Process & Evaluation 1:1 Provide Useful Content It’s been established that ECSEL needs updated information on the website to better inform consumers. Chp 2 – Optimizing the User Experience 2:6 Minimize Page Download Time The background photos take far too long to load, and cause the pages to lag Chp 3 – Accessibility 3:3 Do Not Use Color Alone to Convey Information The main menu and other aspects of the site should have more changes to convey the information, illustrative or otherwise Chp 5 – The Home Page 5:9 Manage Home Page Panel Width The page width is currently not 100% but instead is floating, which is poorly designed
Weaknesses (continued) Chp 6 – Page Layout 6:7 Align Items on Page The sections of each pages are disconnected and floating, and often have unnecessary gaps between them that makes for poor alignment Chp 10 – Links 10:12 Indicate External v. Internal Links There is little to no warning when a user may end up leaving the site. Chp 11 – Text Appearance 11:1 Use Black Text on White Background Light text on a dark background is more straining on eyes since they are adjusted to dark text on a light background. 11:7 Use Familiar Fonts Certain fonts are not dyslexic friendly
Opportunities The only of its kind Few websites were of high quality So far, ECSEL is the only business of its kind, which means no one else will show up when looking for it Few websites were of high quality Because there were (easily found) high quality websites for ECSELs (similar, local) services, we can believe that a good redesign will put ECSEL on top of everyone else This is doubled if solid SEO can put ECSEL on the top 30 results More users are likely to stay on the website because of a better, more trustworthy site Reactive Website Because of the poor design, the sites are not reactive, or not friendly to mobile users. If ECSELs website can continue to be friendly with mobile and create a tablet site as well, it will be more advanced. Blog on the Website If ECSEL can keep the blog on the site rather than leading off of it, it will keep traffic internal, rather than require extra effort from the user and losing navigation around the site.
Threats The only of its kind Subdomain Lack of Social Media It’s a double edged sword. Because it’s the only business offering the services, it’s niche market might not how to search for it. It needs good SEO or it’ll be lost If someone else comes in with a better site, they could get more attention first, damaging reputation. Subdomain It’s currently a subdomain of businesscatalyst.com. To be more trustworthy, it needs it’s own site. Lack of Social Media With little social media, ECSEL is missing out on other ways to be found and draw in consumers Lack of Certifications ECSEL should provide its qualifications to build user trust, as other competitors do. Lack of Key Information Competitors have pages such as “FAQ/Fees/Forms” for consumers. Additional information should be included ASAP