Case study Get This Car app
The reason behind Key innovation drivers Nowadays consumers want instant information. All banks conduct campaigns about their car loans before and during the Belgian Motor Show. Record bank wanted to stand out, showing that a smaller bank can also be innovative. (Car) loans are a key product for Record Bank. Thanks to this app, Record Bank increases its visibility in the marketplace and its production of car loans.
Uniqueness The Get This Car app is the first app for car loans and works like the app ‘Shazam’. Consumers can scan a car ad and instantly discover the cost of a loan for that car at Record Bank. The relationship between the client and the local bank agencies and credit brokers is crucial at Record Bank. However, through the app consumers can obtain information about car loans at any given moment. The app then generates more leads for bankers and brokers, who follow up whenever they are contacted by a consumer through the app.
Concept and objectives An app that allows you to scan any car advertisement (print, radio or TV) You instantly receive a simulation for a car loan at Record Bank The app redirects you to the credit brokers and bank agents using the branch locator
Concept and objectives New customer acquisition Cross-sell to existing customers Sales objective: number of sales in 2015 + 20%
Implementation Target group Timeline and process steps All consumers in search of a car loan Timeline and process steps August 2015 Concept development September 2015 Go on the concept and feasibility study October – November 2015 Development of materials and testing phase 7th of December 2015 Launch date campaign and availability of the app Mid-January 2016 Boosting of the campaign The app will remain available for consumers, even after the marketing campaign has ended at the end of February 2016
Campaign materials Launch materials Get This Car App (available in Google play and App Store) Media Billboards and posters Billboard
Campaign materials Launch materials Posters in showcase Materials in bank agencies Posters in showcase Leaflets HD screens ATM screens Leaflet
Campaign materials Launch materials Local marketing House-to-house advertisement Optional local letter and email Central direct marketing Emails sent to clients: 74.346 Emails sent to insurance clients (prospects who have insurance product at bank agency): 11.350 Emails sent to fanbase of Essevee: 12.000 Text messages sent to clients: 33.686 Local letter and email
Campaign materials Launch materials Website Online campaign Carousel on home page Landing page Product page Online campaign Bannering in online banking tool Carousel on blog Q&A Demo movie SEA Mobile about the app Non-mobile about car loan Posts on Facebook and LinkedIn Facebook ads Email signature Bannering external websites
Campaign materials Launch materials Communication to employees, bank agents and credit brokers on internal platforms Sponsorships Car stickers Press release
Campaign materials Boost materials Materials during Belgian Motor Show (14-25 January) LED screens in subway station Smaller billboard 2m2 Reminder emails and text message Emails sent to clients: 74.346 Text messages sent to clients: 33.686 Facebook competition for bank agents and employees Communication and updates on internal platforms
Results Current status and progress Number of app users and filled out contact forms from 7/12 until 7/01 4.184 users 510 filled out contact forms Lots of positive feedback and comments, both internally and externally
Results Press results 2 articles published in Le Soir and De Tijd (2 national key newspapers in Belgium) Several online articles
Challenges Obstacles and issues faced Ensuring that developer’s code was in line with the Record Bank security standards Ensuring that all external partners were in line with the Record Bank security standards App performance was low during testing, especially on low-end devices Challenge to drastically improve this before launch Timing issue Much more time was needed for testing of the app than foreseen First app of this category to be designed within Record Bank Unknown aspects and lots of technical questions, such as how to submit an app in the stores