starter Make a sentence about our last lesson using the following random words. You can use other words to help form the sentence such as connectives Darwin, Pencil, Bicycle, Ape, Time, Human Being, Dinosaur, The Bible.
Today we are learning non religious views of evolution We are learning this so we can contrast them with the Catholic Church’s views on the origins of species including human beings
Richard Dawkins Get into groups of four Take it into turns for one of your group to discover a fact about Richard Dawkins. Write it down then come back and share Each of you will need to collect 8 facts First group to collect all 8 facts wins
The Design Theory Developed around 300 years ago Basically says that the world is far too complex to be the result of random development If one studies examples in nature, such as the human eye, it has obviously been designed by an intelligence The intelligent designer is called ‘God’
Richard Dawkins
The Catholic Church’s View Read through the main points from the Papal address. Highlight any words that you do not understand Highlight any words that you think are important
The Catholic Church’s View There is no conflict between faith in God And creation and the theory of evolution, proving certain points are kept in mind Theologians (people studying scripture) need to be aware of modern scientific research The theory looks more likely to be true than it did when it first appeared The theory can be tested as new facts are discovered There are actually ‘theories of evolution’ and not just one. Some are non-religious and some are accepted by religious people such as Catholics.
Section C practice GCSE question “Explain how the theory of evolution could be accepted by someone with religious faith” 4x RE needed to gain full marks 1 X RE - Firstly 1 X RE – Secondly 1 X RE – Thirdly 1 X RE – Finally
Just a minute… Volunteers to speak for one minute without repetition, deviation or hesitation about Richard Dawkins
homework Research into Richard Dawkins book The God Delusion Try to summarise 5 main points that Dawkins makes in his book