Student Health Services
Our Mission Our mission is to support your health and well-being during your time at Boston University.
Four distinct offices Primary Care Behavioral Medicine Sexual Assault Response and Prevention Wellness and Prevention Services All offices maintain confidentiality in accordance with state and federal guidelines
Eligibility Full time students Part-time students that have Aetna Student Health Insurance Part-time students with private insurance are not eligible for ongoing care Any student can ALWAYS call for a referral to a local provider
Primary Care 881 Commonwealth Avenue, West Services provided Clinical care Immunizations/ Flu shots Physicals Laboratory services Medical supplies
Behavioral Medicine 2 locations Services provided Charles River Campus, 881 Commonwealth Avenue, West BUMC, 85 West Newton Street, Suite 816 Services provided Evaluation and brief treatment (medication and psychotherapy) Referral to clinicians in the local community 24-hr coverage for psychiatric emergencies Campus based suicide prevention initiatives
Sexual Assault Response and Prevention (SARP) 930 Commonwealth Ave Services provided 24/7 crisis response Individual and group therapy Advocacy and support Programming to promote awareness and prevention of sexual assault, interpersonal and gender based violence
Wellness and Prevention Services Confidential counseling for alcohol Confidential counseling for drugs Partnerships with BU faculty Collaboration with BU departments Peer education & student leadership Campaigns to promote safer drinking Sexual health education programs Interactive workshops on health topics
Scheduling an appointment Primary Care Call Online Behavioral Medicine, SARP or Wellness and Prevention Phone numbers for SHS are on the back of your BUID
Online Scheduling: PatientConnect Go to Log in with your BU ID and Kerberos Make Primary Care appointments Communicate with all your providers
BU Mobile App For easy access to: Our offices BU Bus schedule and tracking All campus emergency services