The 16th Century in Venice TERMS TO KNOW: IMPORTANT FIGURES/PLACES: pastoral nymph courtier “Venetian Box” composition cassone chancel villa acroteria Ionic order portico Jacopo Pesaro Pope Alexander VI Borgia Saint George Saint Francis Guidobaldo II of Urbino
Antonello da Messina The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian, c. 1475
Giovanni Bellini San Zaccaria Altarpiece, San Zaccaria, Venice, c. 1505
Giorgione (and/or Titian) Pastoral Symphony, c. 1508
Titian Madonna of the Pesaro Family, Santa Maria dei Frari, Venice, c
cassone Titian Venus of Urbino, 1538
Titian Venus of Urbino, 1538
Titian Christ Crowned with Thorns, c. 1540
1573-75 1573-75 1540
Titian Christ Crowned with Thorns, c. 1573-75
Andrea Palladio Villa Rotunda (formerly Villa Capra), near Vicenza, c
Orders of Greek Architecture Doric Ionic Corinthian