Maths Week 2. LESSON 1 Number Lines
Learning Objectives Success Criteria To solve word problems. Put numbers on a number line and a 100-square I can solve word problems using my problem solving skills I can put numbers on a number line in the correct place
Word Problem The ball costs 10 dirham. Hamza has 100 dirham. How many balls can he buy with his money?
LO: To make a human number line Let’s make a human number line from 0-100. We need some people to be the 10’s on it. Put these numbers on the line: 52, 68, 11, 97, 2, 45
LO: Put numbers on a number line Pg2, Workbook 3. If you finish, write in the correct signs for the fish! Early finishers: 3. Get an empty number line 1-100 and write in the 10’s and: 46, 68, 22, 93, 18, 65.
Maths LESSON 2 Looking at numberes 101-200
Learning Objectives Success Criteria Revise rounding to the nearest 10. Say, write and order numbers from 101 to 200. I can round numbers to the closest 10. I can say, write and put in order numbers from 101 to 200.
LO: To round to the nearest 10 Rounding means: Bringing a number to the closest 10
LO: To round to the nearest 10 Remeber the phrase? 1 to 4 touch the floor 5 to 9 climb the vine!
LO: To round to the nearest 10
LO: To round to the nearest 10 Ben 10 only likes answers in 10’s 11
Round these numbers to the nearest 10. 33 17 21 16 63 38 12
LO: Read and say numbers 101 to 200. What is this? How is it similar to the 0-100 square? Let’s see can we count from 101 up to 200!!
LO: Read and say numbers 101 to 200. Do you think we can do it again without the Square on the board? Let’s give it a go! Cover the square, teacher!
LO: Read and say numbers 101 to 200. 100-200 Square Use the abacus square and blank out some numbers. Children have to guess what number is missing and explain how they know.
LO: Order numbers from 101 to 200. Look at the numbers below. Which number is the biggest? H T 1 H T 1 1 0 1 1 0 0
LO: Order numbers from 101 to 200. Look at the numbers below. Which number is the biggest? HT1 HT1 150 190
LO: Order numbers from 101 to 200. Look at the numbers below. Which number is the biggest? HT1 HT1 127 107
LO: Order numbers from 101 to 200. Look at the numbers below. Which number is the biggest? H T 1 H T 1 1 5 7 1 8 5
LO: Order numbers from 101 to 200. Look at the numbers below. Which number is the biggest? HT1 HT1 131 113
LO: Order numbers from 101 to 200. Look at the numbers below. Which number is the biggest? HT1 HT1 111 121
LO: Order numbers from 101 to 200. Look at the numbers below. On your whiteboard, can you write them in order from smallest to biggest? 130 109 103 199
LO: Order numbers from 101 to 200. Look at the numbers below. Can you write them in order from smallest to biggest? 110 140 120 190
LO: Order numbers from 101 to 200. Look at the numbers below. Can you write them in order from smallest to biggest? 188 184 189 185
LO: Read, write and order numbers 101 to 200. Everyone get a whiteboard and marker. Green: Read (and write) numbers shown (TA write number on her whiteboard for them) Yellow: Write down numbers called out(Teacher calling out numbers) Red: Put numbers in order from smallest to biggest (sheet left on table)
Maths LESSON 3 Numbers 101-200
Learning Objectives Success Criteria To count from 101 to 200 from memory Identify, compare and write numbers from 101-200. Begin to add numbers that equal more than 100. I can count up to 200 on my own. I can read, write and order numbers from 101 to 200. I can add big numbers that equal more than 100.
LO: Count up to 200. Let’s count up to 200 from 100. Can you do it without the square this time?
LO: Count up to 200. Here’s a chunk taken from a 200 square. Can you help teacher fill in the missing numbers?
LO: To write numbers from 101 to 200. (On whiteboards) Teacher call out numbers between 101-200 for the children to write down. Use the square to check 100-200 Square Call out 2 numbers - children must write the bigger number.
LO: To add numbers that are equal to more than 100 We are going to add some BIG numbers now! We will do it the same way we always have: Down a step to add 10’s Across to the right to add 1’s
LO: To add numbers that are equal to more than 100 Here’s a part of a number square. Let’s try this sum!
LO: To add numbers that are equal to more than 100 Let’s try this sum using this chunk of a number square! 83+34=
LO: To add numbers that are equal to more than 100 Let’s try this sum! 76+12=
LO: To add numbers that are equal to more than 100 Let’s try this sum! 80+40=
LO: To add numbers that are equal to more than 100 Let’s try this sum! 101+15=
LO: Add numbers that equal more than 100 using a 200 square (Use the 200 square in Abacus Workbook 3 page 4 as resource) Green: Yellow: Red: 101+20= 104+30= 106+ 21= 102+ 40= 121+45= 105+ 43= 107+21= 109+ 41= 106+ 8= 120+ 50= 104+ 30= 145+ 52= 101+ 27= 137+ 32= 109+ 55= 150+ 45=
Maths LESSON 4 Adding big numbers
Learning Objectives Success Criteria Count up in 10’s from any number Add 2-digit numbers on a number line by adding 10’s then 1’s. To understand that it is simpler to add a small number to a bigger number. I can count up in 10’s from any number I can add on a number line by adding 10’s first and then 1’s I know to add the smaller number to the bigger number in an addition sum
LO: To count up in 10’s from any number We can all count up in 10’s. But can you count up in 10’s from ANY number? Like….6? 6, 16, 26, 36, 46……..can you keep going? Someone splat a number and we will try to count up in 10’s from that number!
LO: To use skills to make adding easier. When we are doing an adding sum, it is a good idea to put the BIGGER number first and then add the smaller number! 8+71= Let’s make it easier!! 71+8=
LO: To use skills to make adding easier. Can you help the teacher to re-write these sums to make it easier to add? 12+46= -------> 63+24= -------> 11+89= -------> number line
LO: To use skills to make adding easier. Everyone should have a number line to help them! Change around the sum so you are adding the small number to the bigger number. Mohammed wants to buy a schoolbag for 54 dirham and shoes for 35 dirham. How much money does he need? 54dhs 35dhs
LO: To use skills to make adding easier. Omar wants to buy a bike for 72 dirham and an ice-cream for 11 dirham. How much money does he need? 72dhs 11dhs
LO: To use skills to make adding easier. Nour made 16 sandcastles on the beach. Her brother made 23. How many sandcastles did they make altogether?
LO: To use skills to make adding easier. Rahaf’s mum gave her 35 dirham. Her dad gave her 43 dirham. How much money does she have now?
LO: Add by counting up in 10’s and then 1’s using a number line. Use number lines when doing these sums. Green: Yellow: Red:
Maths LESSON 5 Subtracting big numbers
Learning Objectives Success Criteria To solve adding and subtraction word problems To write a sum that goes with a word problem. I can solve word problems I can use my problem solving skills to answer addition and subtraction problems I can write a sum that goes with a word problem.
LO: Revise subtraction Can you remember how to subtract big numbers? What direction do we take when taking away 10’s? What about taking away 1’s?
LO: Revise subtraction There are 30 falcons sitting on the house. 5 of them fly away. How many falcons are left on the house? Can you write the number sentence that goes with the word problem? Write it in the box!
LO: Revise subtraction Mohammad has 50 dirham. He buys a toy spinney for 38 dirham. How much money does he have left? Take away the 10’s in your head first, then the 1s Show on the number line what your answer is --> Number line tool Draw money to show his change.
LO: Solve word problems with addition and subtraction. 45d 32d 24d I want to buy a spinney and I have 75 dirham. What change will I get back from the shopkeeper? I want lego and a playdough. How much will that cost? Teacher call out similar word problems
LO: To subtract large numbers Green: Yellow: Red: 40-20= 65- 21= 66-45= 28-17= 89-72= 45-41= 88-57= 12-12= 89-42= 90-45 77-71= 87-34= 89-52= 65-43= 25-23= 57-35= 100-56=
Lesson 6 Rounding Test (on plan) Maths Games: Game 1: Estimating Game 2: Adding 3 numbers (Total less than 20) Addition and Subtraction Game