Using Punctuation in Creative Writing
Full stop Signify the end of a sentence Short sentences can create tension and show show a downturn in emotion Longer sentences can create more of a sense of babbling, of excitement, nervousness etc.
Add full stops to the sentences to create emotion Fear: The air was cold freezing so very cold that as I breathed out my fear seemed to leave my body and form in front of me Anxiety: I didn’t know what I was going to do my options were limited I could either go forward and face danger or remain behind and be labeled a coward either way it wasn’t much of an option and it left a sour flavour in my mouth
Commas Commas are used in a sentence as a break A good rule is to read the sentence aloud and put in commas where you pause to take a breath
Add commas or full stops as appropriate The monster was gigantic horrific its large face was dominated by eyes that shone a sinister and dreadful red it’s mouth though was truly awful sharp pointy teeth protruded from its gums a menace to whatever got in their way
Semi-colon A semi-colon can be used to link together two sentences that are about a similar subject or are connected to on another In creative writing, they are useful to create extended descriptions
Add semi-colons or full stops as appropriate I stared out the window my eyes glazing over in boredom so oblivious was I that I never noticed the man creeping up behind me The bird dipped down, soaring and reeling on the air current it dived down suddenly, plummeting, falling I reached my hands out and gingerly caught its frail, delicate body in my hands
Exclamation Mark Exclamation marks show an upturn in emotion They might be used to express excitement, surprise or anger They should not just be used for emphasis, you need to make sure that it conveys the correct emotion
Add either full stops, commas or exclamation marks to the sentences to create either upturn or downturn in emotion. My heart was pounding as I reached for the door knob slowly and carefully I turned the door handle my hand shaking shivers running up and down my back when suddenly the door flew upon torn out of my hand Her sense of loss was terrible she felt as if her heart was being torn into thousands of pieces and scattered into oblivion a sob rose in her throat tears poured in rivulets down her cheeks
Ellipsis (…) Using …in your writing expresses speech that trails off It can be used to convey confusion, frustration, stammering
Add …to the sentences to create confusion or frustration He stared up at the creature, so strange it was indescribable, “w wh what are you?” “Enough!” she screamed “I mean I just I I hate you, do you realise that. You’re just so ugh!”
Add punctuation to this paragraph, use a range of punctuation marks. As the battle came to a close it left a ghostly aura about itself the smoke from the artillery clung to everything hanging in heavy drifts the sounds still lingered in his mind both real and echoes he spun around trying to locate himself he couldn’t figure out how he got here as his mind wandered he wondered pondered questioned where what but how I thought thousands of questions weaving their way through the intricacies of his shell shocked mind unable to cope his mind simply gave up abandoned coherence and disappeared into the dark reaches of consciousness