With an increase in the number of desk jobs, physical activities are coming to a standstill. As a major part of the day is spent in the office, the youth of today as well as young adults are facing numerous health problems. Earlier, when working on the computer was not a major part of the job, then all work was done manually, for the completion of which moving from one place to another was required. With the decreasing interest in physical labor, there has been an alarming rise in the number of people suffering from Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) or a not so healthy heart. healthy heart
CVDs refer to the ignorance towards heartcare or bad health of the heart and blood vessels.heartcare The circulatory system also known as the cardiovascular system is the process of pumping blood throughout the body. The cardiovascular system is made up of veins, arteries, capillaries & heart. Most of the people around the world are suffering from high blood pressure, a major medical condition. Constant high blood pressure leads to heart attack and strokes, which are the reason behind most of natural deaths among both men & women.
Let's take a glance at the some of the various factors involved in the rise of cardiovascular diseases: As stated above, high blood pressure or hypertension is one of the major reason for heart problems. Physical inactivities, Smoking, chewing of tobacco, too much alcohol consumption, Lack of sleep, Increased level of blood cholesterol & diabetes, Reduced lung functions & chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD).
The rising rate of CVDs patients can be suppressed, if all the above mentioned risk- factors are addressed. Caution is advised while salt intake and consumption of tobacco and alcohol. During childhood, if children are informed about the importance of healthy lifestyle, which leads to a healthy heart, the number of deaths due to cardiovascular diseases, can be reduced to a great extent.