Common Diseases of Farmed Quail Dr. Keith Bailey Lab Director & Pathologist, OADDL
Oklahoma Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Opened in 1976 to assist animal owners & producers OADDL is accredited by the AAVLD & a member of the NAHLN
Background Information About Quail Type of Quail Body Size at Maturity Age of Sexually Maturity (weeks) Incubation Period of Eggs (days) Weight (gm) Age (weeks) Bobwhite 162 12 16 22-23 Coturnix (Japanese) 6 16-18 Domesticated quail are not usually broody (must incubate eggs or use broody hen)
Diseases of Farmed Quail As with most avian diseases, the age of the bird strongly influences the issue or disease involved: Incubation/Hatchability Brooding Growers Adults
Incubation/Hatchability Reasons for poor hatch Improper temperature Improper humidity Suboptimal turning Poor ventilation Infertile eggs Cracked eggs Old eggs Contaminated shells
Terminology Pipping = the process of the chick cracking the egg during hatch Egg tooth = projection on end of a chick’s beak used for cracking the egg during hatching
Terminology Glottis = opening to the trachea; located at base of tongue Choana = opening in roof of mouth that leads to the nasal passages
Brooding – Common Issues Improper temperature (95°F for 1st week, then decreased by 5°F each week) Poor ventilation Pens with corners (piling) Lack of fresh water Diseases (next slide)
Brooding – Diseases Omphalitis Aspergillosis Brooding – Diseases Omphalitis Most commonly due to infection with E. coli = colibacillosis High mortality in first week Aspergillosis Granulomas in the lungs & air sacs of chicks Mortality in 2nd week May cause gasping (gaping) or neurologic signs Due to contaminated incubator
Brooder/Grower Quail – Diseases Quail Bronchitis = acute respiratory infection caused by an adenovirus; affecting birds show gasping (gaping)
Grower Quail – Diseases Coccidiosis = most important disease of growing game birds & poultry serosa (outside) mucosa (inside) pancreas
Grower Quail – Diseases Coccidiosis = most important disease of growing game birds & poultry pinpoint hemorrhages characteristic of coccidiosis
Grower Quail – Diseases Ulcerative enteritis (Quail Disease) = acute mortality in growing quail raised on dirt Cause = Clostridium colinum
Grower Quail – Diseases Ulcerative enteritis (Quail Disease) = acute mortality in growing quail raised on dirt Necrosis in the intestine may be discrete, circular lesions or involve entire segments (usually see deep ulcers) Adult Quail Diseases
Adult Quail – Diseases Ulcerative enteritis (Quail Disease) = acute mortality in quail raised on dirt
Adult Quail Diseases Cropworms (Capillaria sp.) = chronic wasting; emaciation thickened (leathery) appearance of crop
Adult Quail Diseases Quail poxvirus = crusty proliferations on face (around beak) Fowl pox in a chicken
Adult Quail Diseases Quail poxvirus = crusty proliferations on face (around beak) Fowl pox in a turkey
Fowl pox in a wild turkey Adult Quail Diseases Quail poxvirus = crusty proliferations on face (around beak) Fowl pox in a wild turkey
Adult Quail Diseases Quail poxvirus = crusty proliferations on face (around beak) Fowl pox in a pigeon
https://www. purelypoultry. com/northern-bobwhite-quail-chicks-p-769 Questions?