The Next Generation of a Gamma Irradiation Facility GIF++ presented to SBA
Contents Users’ requirements Layout Adaptation to minimize impact on H2 (extension) Wall and roof shielding, raised floor Dennis Irradiator: filter system Dennis Radiation field Dorothea Users’ installation of permanent trackers Dorothea Technical infrastructure Schedule, budget 14/03/2013 A. Fabich
Users’ requirements Document “Users’ requirements” under approval Re-establish former GIF functionality Secondary muon beam intercepting a photon field Space for installing detectors to be tested max. MDT (few meter) and calorimeters(few tons) Common infrastructure and several gases 14/03/2013 A. Fabich
Temperature/humidity Users’ requirements: 20-24 °C, humidity 30-50%. Optional: small ventilation unit (if really required) Not required for safety aspects Measurements: autumn 2012 – spring 2013 (courtesy: R. Guida) 14/03/2013 A. Fabich
Irradiator Photons 662 keV (Cs-137 source, 16 TBq) Prompt radiation only, no activation Tender completed, order placed these days Irradiator direct photon fields 9 m 4.80m 6 m 14/03/2013 A. Fabich
H4 – PPE 154 Maintain possibility for H2 extension Maintain minimum 2m wide corridor (central) 14/03/2013 A. Fabich
GIF++ implementation Bunker Gas zone Counting rooms Preparation zone Central corridor 14/03/2013 A. Fabich
Technical systems Electricity, light (+emergency), Ethernet, cabling, cable trays, demineralised water, NO cryogenics Beam equipment Gases Neutral and mixtures (containing flammable gases) 15 gas supplies from the gas hut (build. 909) 10 patch panels in bunker/preparation zone Each for 4 neutral and 4 hazardous gases Supply lines should mainly be installed in raised floor 14/03/2013 A. Fabich
Safety responsibility with SBA (together with CERN expert groups) Radiation shielding Flammable gas detection and ODH (in bunker) Fire detection Access system/personnel protection Interlock(s), also with irradiator Gas zone: ATEX conform (PH) 14/03/2013 A. Fabich
Access: PPE, PPG, PPX and MAD Roof access for large equipment (using the bridge crane) PPX PPX/PPE: standard PPG: concrete, motorized MAD Material access device for small equipment of computer size PPG MAD PPE PPE+turnstile single person entrance at a time without need for patrol 14/03/2013 A. Fabich
PH responsibilities Defining users’ requirements Irradiator procurement Equipment in the gas (mixing) zone analysers, mixers … + ATEX conformity Construction of permanent m-detectors Slow control of irradiator, gas equipment, logging DAQ system 14/03/2013 A. Fabich
Cost estimate Material+FSU Excluding PH contributions To be reviewed within functional design Excluding PH contributions 14/03/2013 A. Fabich
D. Pfeiffer (EN-MEF-LE) – 17/10/2012 Schedule FINISHED: Tender documents ready ONGOING: Bunker design (false floor, roof, cable trays) about to be finished ONGOING: First draft ready to be circulated STARTED: Discussions with users about DAQ 13/02/2013 D. Pfeiffer (EN-MEF-LE) – 17/10/2012 14/03/2013 A. Fabich
Outlook Until summer 2013 From summer 2013 Completed by summer 2014 Functional design to be completed Operation scheme(s) (beam, irradiator access) From summer 2013 Area cleaning Installation Completed by summer 2014 14/03/2013 A. Fabich